Masquerade Ball

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The blonde vampire sighed out as she eyed Katherine, "Well, Charlotte." The brunette spoke out as she gave a hard glare.

"Katherine, sweets, what did I say the last time we saw each other?" The angered vampire muttered as she began to walk slowly around the brunette. "Do you remember?"

Katherine slightly clenched her fists as she remembered the conversation, "Not to get in this life." She spoke out, Charlie stopped walking around as she stood behind her.

Her lips were close to her ear as she smiled a bit, "Exactly..But Kat, you might want to watch out because I know all of your plans. Don't cross me over, because I will hurt the one you love the most..Stefan," The blonde smirked as she noticed her body go tense, the older vampire abruptly turned around to face Charlotte, but the girl was a step ahead of her, she grabbed her wrists. "No fighting, Katherine..Game's on, now watch your back, and you better hope that nobody dies in the process." She smirked as she retreated from the other girl.

Once Charlotte arrived at Elena's house, she opened the door and proceeded to walk inside. However, something blocked her from entering the house, she tried to push her hand through the threshold, she sighed out as she realized she couldn't enter the house.
"Elena? Jenna? Somebody?" She yelled, hoping that somebody would come to the door. She sighed in relief as she saw Jenna come to the door. "Hey, what's going on? Why am I not allowed inside of the house, Jen?" She spoke out quickly.

"Char, I'm sorry but the house now belongs to Jeremy, since you snapped his neck..He only lets in whoever he wants in." She spoke out as she crossed her arms over her chest, hurt struck the vampire's chest as she realized what was going on.

"Jenna, come on..You have to convince him to let me inside, I live here! You can't just kick me out without any of my stuff..Please." She pleaded as she felt her eyes glisten over with tears. "He's alive, okay? He's not dead, at least let me get my stuff.." The girl muttered as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Jer!" Jenna screamed as she kept her eyes on Charlie. When Jeremy appeared next to her, she turned to look at him. "Let her inside so she can get her stuff." The redhead softly spoke as she kept her eyes on him.

"No way! She snapped my neck." He exclaimed as he looked harshly at the vampire.

"You will let her inside, Jeremy, I may not be the owner of this house, but goddammit you will let her inside!" She yelled out sternly as she glared at the younger Gilbert.

"You can come inside, Charlotte." Jeremy huffed out before he walked away from the door, his head shook in disbelief as he made his way upstairs. Charlotte followed, but instead she went to her room to grab some of her clothes. She grabbed onto her phone as it vibrated.

Ty. :
Hey, are you going to the Masquerade Ball tonight?

yes, sir. are you? :)

Yeah, lol, it's at my house.

shit, i forgot, lol. duh, i'll see you there, cutie?

Yeah! See you there, bye.

After Charlotte finished texting Tyler, she quickly dialed Stefan's phone number.

Hello, Charlotte. Charlotte's eyes squinted as she realized who it was, she clenched her jaw before she spoke.

Charlotte: Katherine, where's Stefan?

Katherine:Don't you worry about that, he's safe. The ball is tonight, I want what's mine, Charlotte.

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