Everything Happens For A Reason.

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Charlotte quietly groaned as the sunlight peeked through the shades, she slowly opened her eyes a bit more as she looked around her. She felt an arm around her waist, she slightly smiled as she realized who it was and what was done the night before. She gently turned so she faced him, she sighed out as she looked up at his face.

"You know, it's kinda weird that you're just looking at me." She heard his husky voice as he opened his eyes, the blonde quietly giggled as she heard him speak.

"I just looked at you, for like 2 seconds." She spoke softly as she kept the smile on her face. She gazed at him for a few more minutes, she realized that she was lucky to have even met Stefan. He was everything you'd ever want a man to be, except that he was a vampire, but being one herself, she didn't care. She realized that he only changed in the best ways since 1864, when she met him. 

She slowly sat up after she had quickly pecked his lips, she leaned off the bed as she grabbed onto Stefan's shirt and her bra. She smiled as it reached down to her mid thighs. She got off the bed, not caring that her bare body was exposed. She slipped it on over her head, she untucked her hair from under the fabric as she looked at him. A smile played on his lips as he gazed at her body. "You know, you're beautiful, right?" His words caused her to blush as she looked down at the ground. 

"I don't have a shirt anymore, you know, you kind of ripped them." She giggled as she gently picked up her underwear, she slipped them on as she bit her lip, concentrating on not falling over. She sighed as she looked for some socks, once she found them, she carefully slipped them on. She smiled as she shoved her feet into her shoes. "Well, get dressed, so we can go out..Or to school, whichever, your choice." She walked out of the room, but once she did, confusion struck her. She watched as Damon walked up being Caroline, she glanced between them.

"Katherine said to give you all a message." Caroline spoke blankly, the platinum blonde continued to feel confused as she waited for what the younger girl had to say. 

"Okay, what's the message?" Damon spoke up as he eyed the girl, Charlotte crossed her arms over her chest as she began to grow impatient.

"Game on." Charlotte stared hard at Caroline for a minute as she let the word sink in, the platinum blonde vampire began to laugh as she heard the threat from Katherine.

"Oh my, are you serious? So pathetic," She smiled as she put her hand on the girls shoulder, "Well, give her a message for me, challenge accepted and to watch her back." She kept the smile on her face, "Also, give her this too." 

Caroline parted her lips to speak as the older vampire kept her hands on her shoulders, but she was cut off as her neck snapped. Her actions caused Damon and Stefan to move forward, she scoffed as she stepped over the now-dead girl. 

"Oh, guys, seriously, she was already dead. You can just tell, plus, she smells of blood." She looked between the two brothers. She placed her hands on her hips, "Well, Stefan, let's go." She turned on her heel as she began to walk towards the door. 

The pair began to walk towards town square, she loved walking around. It felt relaxing to her, it made her mind clear. It brought her back to thinking about how the town was centuries ago. She bit her lip as she thought about all the memories that were made here, and that will forever be there. She was brought back to reality as Stefan began to talk to her. 

"How can you walk in those all day long?" He spoke out, she laughed as he asked her. She turned her head to look at him.

"Stefan, I have been alive for centuries, and you're asking me how I can walk in these? You're so cute, it doesn't hurt me, I mean it can get tiring if you do a lot of running in them." She spoke out as she smiled, her perfectly white teeth showed. 

"That's true, sometimes I forget that you're hundreds of years old. You act so, like..So human." He muttered as he looked around them before he gazed at her smile.

"That's because I don't have any reason to act out, it's also because I was once human but didn't get to live that long and enjoy it." She calmly stated as she continued to walk, "So, I act like it now, it'll never be real because I'm not living and I can't have the things I could back then..But I have you, so that's all that really matters." She smiled again as her hand found its way to his. She slowly intertwined their fingers as she paid attention to the people around them.

Stefan thought of how everything seemed to be going right, however, he knew that it wouldn't last long, it never did. Being a vampire brought complications and small moments of peace and quiet. He sighed out as his thumb softly brushed over her hand. The pair kept walking around as they remained in silence. Charlotte took in the scene around her, she realized that so much had changed and it was beginning to settle down. 

"Did you know that before I came here, I was back in England? It's where I'm from." She spoke out, she smiled as she realized that she didn't have to hide it anymore. Her accent flowed out with words, "I had to pretend I was from here when I moved in with the Gilbert family, because my back story wouldn't have matched up." She lightly smiled, "Do you know how hard it is to cover up an accent for days on end?" She spoke, "Years, I meant. Not days, I've slipped up a couple times, Elena and Jeremy just think I'm silly." 

"I forgot that you had an accent, for some reason." He chuckled as he squeezed her hand, "But it's nice to finally hear it again, maybe that's why I couldn't recognize you at school." He smiled before he pulled her into the Grill. She bit her lip as they sat down, she crossed her legs under the table.

"So, Stefan, how's eternal life been treating you?" She rested her chin on her palm as she leaned on the table for support. Her hazel eyes gazed into his as she licked over her bottom lip. 

"It's been complicated, things haven't been amazing, but they can only get better." His voice flowed as she listened, "But now that you're here, they should be getting better." She giggled at his cheesy comment.

"Oh, Stefan Salvatore, I see you haven't changed your cheesy ways." She spoke through a smile as she gazed at him again. 

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you have reached the end of chapter two. hope it was good, the previous version was really short and totally unfinished. so i winged it and went with what my gut said, hope you guys enjoy this little memory lane scene and the romantic walk through the small town. lol. 

please do not hesitate to comment or vote, it would mean a lot to receive feedback from you amazing people. 

once again, enjoy!  

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