chapter 12

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I woke up feeling very happy for some reason not really sure why, but whatever it is, I'm glad I have it!

Not opening my eyes just yet so that I can savour the moment, I turn to face the source of my happiness, as I'm putting my head into the crook of a neck, that feels so warm and cozy-y,


Cozy neck? Heat? Wtf Is going on here?...

Moving my hands up, I feel a hard ,damn gorgeous feeling abs ,YUM. BUT WHO'S ARE THEY ?!?!

Opening my eyes I'm met with hazel ones staring already at me with a small smile.

"Like what you feeling?" Hunter asked me.

I feel like a brainless idiot, because all I could say back was 'damn right '
Making Hunter smirk and not smile .

He chuckled and pull me close to him, I have to say I've never slept this amazing in forever!

As I'm about to get up, cause well I really need to use the bathroom, Hunter pulls me even more closer then before .. He smells so nice.

"Hunter let go! "

"No, I want to stay just like this it's comfortable, please?"

"Sure but I really need to use the bathroom, then we can lay like this again" I promised

Walking into the bathroom, I hear Hunter mumble something along the line of 'she'll hate me.' not sure what's that about, but I need to relief my bladder!

After finishing off, I washed my hands and was about to leave the bathroom when I saw something on my neck that caught eye!

IS THAT A HI-C-CKEY?? Did Hunter give me a hickey???

"Hunter!, to think I was about to lay back into your arms like a little girl, not after this!" I pointed to my neck as I ran out the bathroom

To the room to find Hunter trying to hide his laughter with the pillow, showing off that amazing ass, MMM

Hey what can I say my mate has a lovely, smackable ass!

"You better have a wonderful explanation for this damn mark on my neck!"

"I do babe, relax will you please?" when he said babe alone my knees wanted to give in, but NO I should get answers first!

"Well I'm waiting?" I said, but Hunter can't stop laughing me out and he kept saying how beautiful the mark looks that he created! No, it's a mark and now everyone will know we did the dirty!

WAIT! Did we do the dirty? Nah..

Hopefully not yet.

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