chapter 6

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I got that feeling again, thinking that maybe I'm hungry that's the reason, until I came to the end of the steps and saw the most hottest guy ever, not only is he hot but he's an alpha also, I think he's the alpha of the blood-moon pack I'm not sure, here's so many alphas here tonight.

I found it interesting the way he was looking at me, as if he never saw anything as beautiful before. That's so sweet of him! 

He started to rank my body over, every curve I had his eyes followed.
"Like what you see?" I questioned him. A small grin took over my face.

He just smirked at me and said the one thing I thought will only happen next year on my birthday.

"Mate " he growled

Such a sexy growl, but then I realise what he just said and oh my, it can't be!
My mate is the alpha of the blood-moon pack?

Me being myself, I turned around and ran upstairs to my room.

Knock knock!

"Let me in princess, before I open this door myself, now!" he said against my door, he's voice so sexy, so hot, damn, what's wrong with me.

Shaking my head I realise he's not going to leave until I gave him what he wants.

Opening the door, I was meant with the sexist smirk ever. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do, until he spoke and I took a sharp intake of his voice.

"You beautiful, and you mine alone" he said as he came closer to me, then he actually was supposed to.

"Um thanks and I'm no object that you can claim!" What he did next showed me otherwise!

"I know but you my mate and my luna, you my princess that I'll make my queen!" He said as he kissed my lips.

As I stood there shocked of what just happened, I notice that he's phone was ringing.

"Shouldn't you get that" I said breathless, pointing to his phone, maybe it can be important.

I watched him, as he picks up his phone and turns to face his back to me, it's then that I take in what's he's wearing, mmm that jeans. YUM and that tank top showing me that sexy arms that belong to me.

"Shut up brain and shut up Nikki" I said.

Oh Ya Nikki's my wolf and she's craving to touch him to make him mine but I know better then to do that.

You see me and Nikki are totally different personality even though we one person/animal.

I have to give it time.

she belongs to me[ PUT on HOLD, SORRY]Where stories live. Discover now