Chapter Twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

My mind flickered to Khairi, I couldn't help but wonder if she was as happy as I was, how was she dressed, if she would talk to me today, if she would  smile at me again. While all this thoughts were going through my mind, I knew I wouldn't see her today, for even though in our tradition, after the wedding dariya, it's unheard of for a bride to spend one more night in their house. In our case, even though we all lived in the Palace, it still meant that she will be conveyed to my own side of the house, which is the main building which was formerly occupied by Abba before he moved to another part. The main building was renovated and furnished to suit both Khairi and I. I knew Khairi will not be released to me until tomorrow after the budan kai unveiling of the bride and Walima.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts when Sameer tabbed me with a sheepish grin plastered on his face "I was waiting for this moment all through today, I didn't want to be congratulating you at every interval. So, Happy Birthday, congratulations on your coronation and also on your wedding, Allah ya raya, Allah kuma ya bada Ikon riko da adalci, Ameen." though he said all these playfully, I knew he truly meant it, and was genuinely happy for me. I engulfed him in a hug and almost broke down when he spoke again

"No way is this happening Sultan, don't tell me you are about to cry, who does that, who cries on his wedding day, a man that is? Come on let's go and eat, I'm famished" I smiled and muttered a "Thank you" to which he shrugged "I owe you more than that Sultan, I owe you my entire being. Now let's go" I mounted my horse and we managed to our way out of the crowd.

We went to the post daurin aure reception for the groom and his friends, we dined wined and made merry till evening, the thoughts of Khairi never leaving my mind

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We went to the post daurin aure reception for the groom and his friends, we dined wined and made merry till evening, the thoughts of Khairi never leaving my mind...


"Respect your husband Khairi, yi nayi, bari na bari do as he says"

"Always listen attentively to what he says, give importance to what he says and do as he says, in this manner, you will soon win a place in his heart because it is not really a person who is beloved but what the person does that is most loved"

"Tend your beauty carefully, so that whenever he looks at you, he will be pleased with his choice. Within the limits of decency use as much fragrance and possible and make sure no part of your body or dress repulses him"

"Always look attractive to him, always apply Kohl to your eyes as beautiful eyes makes the whole being beautiful, in the eyes of the beholder. Always bath and perform ablution for it is the best perfume and best way of cleanliness"

"Make sure his food is ready always before time as hunger becomes a flame if not satisfied. Cook for your husband once in a while, for the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Keep his rest hours quiet and peaceful as disturbed sleeps makes a man morose and angry."

"Make your husband your best friend my dear, because when the love eventually fades, friendship suffices. Love him, treat him like a child, groom him to your taste, make sure you are the first person he runs to for advice."

Your husband is a public figure, a King, and as such that makes you a Queen, I hope you know what that means, stand by him in thick and thin, be his emotional support. Treat your subjects with love and kindness"

"Read about women in history my child, learn from them. Learn from Nana khadeejah and Aisha, wives of the Prophet, Fatimah, Zaynab and Rukayya his daughters, Maryam, the mother of Annabi Isah and Asiya the wife of Firaun... "

Umma and Mama both advised Khairi simultaneously, assuring her that though they are Sultan's mothers, they are her mothers too, they assured her to feel free and seek for their advise anytime the need arises and run to them in case things may go sore, of which they of course don't pray for.

Amidst her silent sobs, they both gave her warm, motherly and affectionate hugs until they heard the announcement coming from the masjid, signifying that she's now a Mrs.

"Get up now and offer Salah to Allah, pray for peace and tranquility in your marriage, pray for a fruitful and everlasting marriage filled with love and respect, pray to Allah to wade away all evils coming your way. Pray Ummulkhairi, pray, for it is good for a new bride to pray immediately after her wedding Fatiha."

She got up and prayed for a very long while, until she was finally done and the women led her outside, where the Imams were already waiting to do her saukan karatu *Quranic graduation*...


"An daura auren Lamido Sa'adu da Ummulkhairi..."

I never knew hot tears existed until I heard these words coming from the masjid. Very hot tears streamed down my lids, I tried as much as possible to stop them but I couldn't, they were uncontrollable. Maryam who sat beside me on the bed held my hand and gave it a squeeze, I turned to her and fell on her shoulders, the tears never stopping, she didn't try to stop me, she didn't even talk, she just gave me her shoulder to cry on, stroking my hair gently, I intended for this to be the last tear I will shade for his sake.

I could hear Umma and Mama Jakadiya's voices coming from Umma's sitting room, they were doing huďubah advise to the new bride. She was sobbing, silently, tears of joy I was sure, while mine was nothing but tears of pain and despair.

Funny how you plan your life and Allah plans too. Funny how just a month ago, I was planning, dreaming and fantasising about my life as Yaya's wife, funny how just a while ago Khairi was nothing but a maid, but just in a few seconds she becomes a Queen. Indeed we plan and Allah plans, but He, Allah, is the best Planner.

When night came and I couldn't sleep, I crept to Umma's chamber by midnight and knocked on her door, she opened it after a while and was surprised to see me.

"Can I.. Can I sleep in your room please?" she hesitated and gave me a puzzled look before she moved back for me to enter

"Sure, you are welcome" she said and went back to praying nawafil. I laid down and tossed on the bed for about two hours before Umma got up and sat close to me,laying her hands on my side "You're yet not asleep Batuul?"


"Have you eaten, did you eat today at all?"

"Umma please I came here to rest"

"Calm your mind Fatima Batuul, have faith. Believe in Allah that whatever was meant for you will not pass you, and whatever passes you, was not meant for you after all. Stand up and pray to Allah Batuul, for He says in the Holy Book, Verily, with every hardship comes ease."

I digested her words slowly my mind gradually started easing off. A mother surely has her ways of making you calm in times of distress. I smiled at her then got up and went to perform ablution....


My people, ello, hawayu?

How was the turbaning and daurin aure scenes 😂😂lame, yeah? Pardon me, you know I'm a girl and females don't attend such occasions (in my own side of the country). Let me run along and start preparing the wedding events scenes, see you all soon, get ready to dance 💃 💃

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