chapter 4

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The next morning zelo woke up late that day since it was Friday yes all there are no classes on  Fridays or Saturday and Sunday. He walked in the bathroom to brush his teeth and other business he headed down stairs not bothering to change his clothes. He walks to the kitchen and pours himself some cereal then heads to the sofa turns turns the tv on to his favorite tv show. Later on himchan  wakes up and sees the younger in the living room he see at what he is watching smiling at how cute zelo looked watching a kids show.

"Jelly baby are you just eating cereal for breakfast."


"Why didn't you wake me up so I could cook real breakfast for you baby" zelo just keeped looking at the tv but was still listening what himchan was saying.

"I didn't want to wake you up hyung and I'm not that hungry"

"Well  that's not at your tummy is saying know I'll start making breakfast want to help for a bit"

After himchan finished making breakfast with the help of zelo. In no time daehyung and jongup came down to eat the smell of food always wakes them up.once they finished him Han told zelo if he wanted to go out with them but zero dicided to stay at home today himchan told zelo if he got bored or lonely to go to his friends yongguk and daehyun he gave him the address then himchan and the boys left. Back at yongguk's and daehyun house bangguk dicided to stay and not a component dae today he had to figure some shit out and figure how to get back home he would be lieing  if he said he didn't miss  his home where he was born and raised. After a while zelo got lonly so he decided to go to that yongguk and daehyun guys that himchan mentioned to him. When he got there he debated to himself if he should knock or not after 5min of debating he decides to knock on the door. When he opened the door he couldn't believe the sight in front of him...

To be continued \(^ω^\)

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