chapter 3

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"Yongguk,youngjae me and the boys have to go zelo is probably waiting for us and it's already late we'll meet up again don't know when but we  well. by the way zelo knows about us and told him about the two of you ok well you take care oh and dae please make sure bang eats if he does tell me and I'll come over and feed him myself." And with that himchan and the others left leaving yongguk and youngjae alone. Now it's time to find out more about zelo he knew a little bit about him since himchan told him about him he just couldn't take the younger of his mind something about him makes him want to know more. Yongguk was cut of is thoughts by youngjae who just looked at him with a questioning look.

"Hyung are you ok?" The younger asked 

"Uh yeah I am ok just got a lot in mind that's all hey want to go get some ice cream and maybe groceries"

"Sure hyung let's go" the older grabbed his keys and they head out they took the car since the store was far from their house and it would be a long way to walk to. After  a twenty minute ride they finally got there lucky for them there was not a lot of people in the ice cream cafe they ordered their ice cream and sat some where in the cafe and enjoyed their yummy ice cream. When the finished they headed to the grocery store to buy what they need has they were there yongguk went to get some ramen as he did he  bump into some one he looked to to see who it was when he did his eyes widen. The person he bumped into was the boy he saw that night their eyes met until the boy broke the eye contact. It was awkward between the to and bangguk doesn't like as he was about say something the boy ended cutting him of by say sorry it was his fault for bumping into him for not paying attention of where he was going and with that they boy left leaving the older standing there frozen like if he has seen ghost.

"OMO!!! Hyung isn't that Choi Junhong like himchan hyung calls him zelo. uh hyung are you ok you look like you've seen a monster or a ghost".

"Uh oh sorry i'm ok don't worry I just remembered that I need hair shampoo and books."  Daehyun just nod and not asking anymore questions but Daehyun knew something was bothering his hyung and it has to do with junhong or should I say zelo.

Zelo's thoughts~
Stupid Zelo how could say sorry and walk away like that he probably wanted to ask you something ugh...then I again I'm a shy boy who barely talks to anyone well except for mansion hyung and his friends but with new people I get extremely shy. hmm where have I seen him before omo isn't he himchan's hyung and the rest of the guys friend wait he and that other boy that's as cute puppy eye go to my college. I have to say he is not bad looking ya! Zelo what are you saying he's a guy he might not be into guys yes people I'm gay my parents know and my big hyung knows and namjoon hyung and his friends know that I'm into guys they accept me of who I am and support me a lot. Any way I wonder why himchan hyung's friend looks Sirius is he always like that? Bruuu I better head home fast it got so cold I don't want to get sick and hyung might get worid.

Ok have nothing to say but that I just found out that Daehyun and Zelo gotta a tattoo I'm such a awful baby for not realizing it :'( I just I have been busy with bts exo got7 and school thinking if I'm going to graduate and trying to get the 3 credits that I need to graduate SORRY BAP FOR NOT NOTICING YOU GUYS THAT MUCH IM A AWFUL BABY FAN!!!. Daehyun has his on his lower back and Zelo on the lower part of his tummy hope u enjoy this chapter yes it's short :/

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