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Alicia's POV

"You'll be back right?" I ask as I traced my finger across his bare chest, pulling the covers.

"I will. I promise." He replies, placing a small, lingering kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, you know that, right?"

"Of course, without you, I'm nothing."

I lock my lips on his, expressing my love for him with everything I go-

"We have now arrived in Oahu International Airport. Please have a nice stay in Hawaii."

People started grabbing their carrying bags and struggle to get to the exit. I look at the window, seeing its nighttime, then down at my ring. Sighing as I grab my backpack, I slip through the people as I get to the exit. Putting on my leather jacket, I walk towards the baggage conveyor belt. When I sighted my duffle bag, I loop it through my fingers and start searching for my name on a piece of paper. I sight my name and see a man with blonde hair and blue eyes with Chin.

"Danny Williams, pleasure to meet you." Danny - the blonde one - gives out his hand to shake and I start to shake it.



"First time in Hawaii?" Danny asks as he takes my duffle bag.

I shake my head. "Born and raised right here in Honolulu."

"You'd get well with the commander, he's been born and raised here too." He explains, making me wonder if it was Steve.

As we get to the parking area, Danny gets a call. As soon as he hangs up, he nods at Chin. "Looks like we've got your first mission, Alicia."


As soon as we arrive at the crime scene, I spot Kono talking to a police officer. I walk up to her, smiling.

"Kono!" I greet, hugging her.

She returns my hug. "Alicia!"

We both pull away, knowing we have to solve a case. We both walk inside the house, making me stop in my tracks at who's in front of me.



His eyes trailed down to my hand, where my ring was placed. I hide my hand behind my back, feeling stupid to wear it.

"What's going on here?"

Great, just great. Kono came back.

I fixed my posture. "So, victims?"

"Young couple. Has a young daughter who's still alive. Whenever someone asks her what happened, she bursts out crying."

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Down the hall, second door to the right."

I walk down the hall and into the second door to the right, seeing a young girl on the floor with red eyes. She looks up and sees me, and she backs away.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." I say softly, taking few steps in front of her. When she nods her head, I kneel down in front of her.

"I just need to ask you a few questions, that's all. I won't hurt you."


"What's your name?" I ask, thinking to start slow.

"Rhea, Rhea Millers."

"Okay, I'm going to ask you what happened. What you remember, no pressure. Keep calm."

"My mom. She locked me inside the room when I heard bangs. After a while, I heard screaming. A-and..."

She cries into my shoulder as her small arms wrap around my neck. I pat her on the back soothingly, waiting for her to stop. As soon as she stops, I pulled away.

"I'll be back, alright? Just... stay here." With that I stood up and turned around, Steve leaning on the doorway.

I felt myself blush scarlet as he walks toward me, his body too close to mine. I look up into his blue-green eyes, remembering those times when we were alone.

"So... You didn't tell me you joined 5-0."

"Alicia, I just... had to."

Tears formed in my eyes. "Why? Because I'm not good enough for you?"

"It's not that. I can't risk Wo-Fat to - "

"I'm not like that innocent little girl you've met anymore, Steve. But really, for fourteen stupid years, I waited. Even if we had no contact, I still waited."


"Just forget it, Steve. I thought after all those years you'd have sense. I still remember what you told me: without you, I'm nothing. I still wore the ring, up to this freaking day."

"Steve? Alicia?" Danny enters the room, relief washing over me.

"Yeah?" Steve asks as he turns around.

"Come check this out."

We both follow Danny down a set of stairs and into the basement. We found two dead bodies. One of them were skinned, making my eyes wide. I crouch down and look at the skinned one closely. Hand prints were around the neck.

"The killer must be a maniac." Danny shudders.

"The killer must've threatened the guy, skinning his wife." Steve examines.

"Hey, maybe we can use the hand prints on the wife's neck to track the killer." I cut in, pointing to the hand prints on the woman's neck.

Steve crouches down beside me and moves the woman's head, looking closely at the marks. I stand up and look around, wanting to find more to do with the skinning. I searched everywhere around the basement, but nothing more. My phone rings in my pocket and I check the call ID. Alice was calling me. I answered the call, wondering what was wrong. I heard crying in the other end.

"Alice, what's wrong?" I ask, worry growing in me.

"A-alicia, you need to get here, fast." She stutters, making my eyebrows furrow.

"What happened?"

"H-he... he killed Eric and Dana. Please, get here, fast."

Who's he?

"Are Kath and Jack alright?" I ask, climbing up the stairs.

"They're in the compartment. Alicia, just please hurry!"

"I'm coming!"

Crying was all I hear before gunshots blast from the phone.

"Alice?! Alice!?"

I drop my phone, feeling my heart hammer in my chest. Chin walks toward me, picking up my phone from the ground.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

I shake my head as I feel tears rushing out of my eyes. "No, I have never been worse."

Two Stray Bullets ---> Steve McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now