Chapter 17-Goodbye

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-end of louis POV-

it was time to go, all the boys were leaving to the judges house, the girls wouldnt see them for a long time.  They said there last goodbyes and the boys were off.  the girls had the house to themselves but they didnt take advantage of it. all they could do was think of the boys 24/7.  what if one of the guys fell in love with a contestant.  the girls wouldnt know. they would be at there house for a long time untill the boys got back. and if the boys never came back then they would be devestated. 5 girls living in a house together. thats just another story.  the time went by and the girls and guys parted ways.  Louis and Danielle broke up and about a week later he found another girl.  everyone practically broke up, they were a broken family.  but the girls decided to take advantage of the boys leaving them at this point.  they all went on britians got talent as a group, "Uptown girls" was a big hit and the band the boys were in, "one direction" didnt even know about the girls troubles and there talents.  eventually they got together and went on tour making it even more okward for the bunch:).

-I hope you enjoyed this story.. i was out of inspiration so i had to end it ... sorry:( but i will write new fanfics soon! thanks for the support.

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