Chapter 11-XFactor& more love

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"i cant believe this! saras married and now,x factor"-dani said as they got out of the car and headed into the xfactor audition place

-there were signes everywere telling people were to go.  Louis and niall split up and went in different directions so danielle just went with louis.-

"louis, you will do fine.! i will go to the audience ok love! goodluck"-dani said as she kissed louis hard

"i love you, just dont get hurt and please text niall. check on him!"-louis said as he disapeered into the waiting room

-danielle roamed around untill he saw louis' parents-

"hello danielle.  how are you ..and louis!  "-jay said

"very good, thanks! louis is such a nice boy im so happy that i have got to spend all this time with him!  he makes my world the best thing ever."-dani said

"danielle, he loves you very much.  And you are practically our family,  i have known you since you were a wee baby and i have loved you all these years as well."-jay said

-danielle smiled and gave jay a hug.  just as she did louis came up on the stage-

-Louis POV-

-im scared out of my brain.  i dont know what to do.. stay calm be yourself and think of danielle-

"Hello ! what is your name"-one of the judges said

"HI Im Louis Tomlinson."-i said as i smiled back at the judges

"Hello louis what are you singing today?"-the other judge said

"Hey there Delila by the Plain White t's"-I said and took a deep breath

"oh its what you do to me

oh its what you do to me

what you do to me"-i sang trying to hide my tears thinking about danielle underneath my hair

"Louis im saying yes"-louis walsh said

"im saying yes"-nicole said

"louis you got three yeses."-simon said

"thank you so much"-i said as i ranoff the stage looking for danielle


"oh my gosh. louis got in"-danielle yelled throught the hallways as soon as she got a call from niall


she answered it..

"hello!"-niall yelled

"hey!"-dani said

"they sent me to mullingar because i have to tryout in my hometown."-niall said

"will you be home soon?"-dani said

"tomorrow!"-niall said

"ok i love you. bye"-dani said

"love you too"-niall said and they hung up.

danielle walked around amlessly and found louis

"LOUIS!"-Dani yelled

"oh babe. i cant believe i made it i was terrible"-louis said

"its ok! lets go to the hotel yeah?"-dani said

"ok love"-he said as they ran out to the car

-car ride. lalalalalalala boring, it was only 3 minutes to the hotel louis ordered-

"ok love, top floor, i will meet you up"-louis said

"top?"-dani said

"yeah! go"-louis said

-Sorry that its short! gotta play violin! xxx:)-

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