Chapter 12- Harry are you alright?

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-Danielles POV-

I walked into the lobby looking around, it was nice, probably really expensive too, i went into the elevator and clicked the button for the top floor.  There were other people in the elevator so we had to stop at each floor.  It was a really long ride but i just couldnt wait until i could get into the room and get some rest.  I was texting Sara.  She was finally done with her spa day and she sent me a photo of her nails, and man they were nice!  Finally i was on the top floor, it took forever.

I ran to the first door i saw, but there was only one door.  How strange.  Opening it up slowly i saw a gigantic room and a huge bed with flowers on it.

Louis is so sweet i thought!  I texted him right away.

Me: awe loueh! you shouldent have gotten such a nice room! the audition is only a short time we arent staying here forever!

Louis:  Haha babe:) i have to treat you like a princess remeber. im your carrot king!!!

me: and im your carrot queen<3

louis: ill be here in a bit, just hang in there, there are some films but keep grease waiting!

me: i will wait! grease is also my favorite movie!!!

louis: i told you i would meet you up. unfortunately i got caught. Harry auditioned as well.  and so did niall... and liam and zayn.

me: who is liam...and zayn

louis: well we had to do another round and i know its been like 2 hours but they had to video it for the tv show.. and me and these 4 guys we didnt get in but they brought us back now.. and were a group!!!thats why i ordered the hotel! hah

me: oh my gosh!!! im so happy! just come home:) i wanna hug u!

louis: ok love ill be there in 5 min

I turned on the tv looking for something decent to watch.  And thank goodness that One Tree Hill was on, i swear this show was is my guilty pleasure!

---10 min later---

-Louis POV-


"WHO IS IT"- danielle yelled

oh man how i just loved her soft voice, everytime she said anything i just exploded inside

"mr carrot is here!"-i said through the door way

i heard a little giglle then in 5 seconds she was in front of me, her long blond hair in her face and her  blue eyes looking up at me.  i walked through the door and practicly floped onto the bed.  Then there she came again, after she closed the door, she walked over and bellfloped onto the bed and rolled herself over to me.  i put my arms around her little body and pulled her close.she gigled a little and gave me kiss on the cheek.  I slowly put my hand through her locks and leaned my head to her, slowly and passionatly i kissed her, she kissed back letting my tounge gain acess to her mouth just as she rolled onto me someone knocked on the door.  Dani poped off of me and ran to the door

"hello"-she said looking through the little pephole on the door barely seeing through

her little pj's fit her so well and her har was almost like a sea of blondeness

"Danielle let me in. now!"-someone yelled

it sounded like a lower voice a male voice.  I got off the bed and walked to the door

"Danielle go sit on the bed please"-i said

she did what i said and walked over to the bed

i opened the door slowly and i was almost trampled when harry and sam came running in.

Danielle looked scared.  She went over to sam and tried to take her hand out of harrys hard grip but all harry did was grab danielles hand as well.

"Sam."-danielle started to say but was stoped by harry's yelling

"SHUT UP DANIELLE."-Harry yelled

"woah, man let go of danielle please and let go of sam."-louis said

harry let go and sam and danielle ran to the bathroom.


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