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Before me and Roshie moved out from our hometown in West city, I was just an average teen trying to fit in. As much as I admit, I always been the toughest kid in school but I didn't bother to make friends. As much as my roommate, Roshie wanted me to be in the crowd, but I wasn't interested. I'm always been such loner till I met this kid name Krillin. I always think that Krillin was kind of a stalker trying to make friends with me and he kind of admit it, but all he ever wanted was to talk with me due to other kids are afraid of me. Soon after, me and Krillin became great friends and we share the common interest such as training, playing video games, playing sports and we even confess each other about our secret hobbies that no one knows about it. "I always been a fond about making handmade plush toys and I even created one before but it didn't came out as I wanted" said Krillin.

I laugh. "At least you tried making one! I'm never the type of person who'll do that."

"Oh yeah! What about you! What are is your secret hobby?!"

"Well, I sometimes paint in my spare time awhile back, and I even play the guitar during my breaks."

Krillin was amaze about it as I continued on with my conversation. "No way! That's so cool!" Said Krillin. "You should play in the Talent Show that's coming next month!"

"Well, I'm not sure" I said anxiety.

"Come on, Dude! I know you can do it!"

I stare him annoyed that he want me to respond his answer but I ignore it. He place his hand on my shoulder, stare at me with his dark onyx eyes with mine. He sigh. "Come Vegito. We both know we want to be notice from everyone in school but mostly me.. But-"

"No." I said with a cold tone.

"But you didn't let me finish.."

"I know what you're going to say and I ain't agreeing with it!"

"Vegito, please! You only have like what? Two more years till you get of high school! I mean sure you have the time of the world but do you want that opportunity to go to waste?"

I turned my head to the side not bothering looking at bold kid. But he was right for one thing that I'm just a sophomore and I only have two more years till I'm out of this dump. I sigh and I nod my head. His eyes fill with delight as he hug me! I push him away with an annoy. "What the hell did I say about doing that?!" I said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Vegito. I was just excited that's all!" Said Krillin.

I did a low growl as I got up from our sitting spot. "We should get going, before 6th period starts" I said.

Krillin nods as he grabs his backpack and heads to his math class awhile I have go to weight training. The bell rang as I head toward the boys locker room. In a few seconds I got out and head toward to our number roll call. I lean my back toward the wall as I waited for the others to come, it's weird that I only seen three girls in class and the rest are nothing but guys. But there was this one particular girl that I have a crush on. Her name is Aroma, she's always been the quiet one in the entire class and she hardly ever talk to anyone except for those two others girls she sometimes hangout with. I wasn't sure if she's into me but I could tell she's hard to get.

About few minutes pass, I seen others coming with along side our gym teacher, Mr. Acker. We got to our numbers as he called for attendance, I kept on staring at Aroma as she was far left side from me. There were a few times she caught me looking at her but she doesn't mind it, because she was the only person she knew I had a thing for her. After Mr. Acker was done we head inside the class to do our work out. When I was doing to my pull-up, I notice that Aroma heading outside with a weight ball alone.

"Hey, are you done?" Said Brian.

I look at him as I got up not saying anything to him. I head outside and I spotted Aroma doing squats with the weight ball. 'Fuck...! That's a nice ass for a quiet girl'

"Excuse me?"

My thoughts have been clouded with her nice ass that I didn't even notice that Aroma was standing in front of me. "Hello! Is anyone in there!" She said.

I shook my head rapidly as I slightly blush. "Are you feeling okay?" She ask.

"I'm okay" I lied.

"You sure because you were staring at my ass for awhile. You pervert!"

Just before she leaves, I grab her arm and pull her close to my chest. "What the hell are you doing!" She said.

I gently lift her chin up and kiss her lips with mine. Our tongues synchronize while I gently touch her breast. She moan between our kiss as I release it. She stare at me as her cheeks turned bright red. I gently grabs her and made her sit on my lap and wrap my arms around her waist. "Hey Aroma, can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Umm...Sure" she stuttered.

"I was wondering if you'll like to be my girlfriend."

Aroma turned around and face me as she kiss me on my lips once more. "Of course I would" she said.

For the next few weeks, me and Krillin practice for the Talent Show. Aroma suggest that she would like to play in our band but Krillin wouldn't except till she wow us with her drum playing skills. By next month, we enter the Talent Show and won first place! Soon after, me and Aroma have been together for nearly 7 months till something come up.

"Wait! You're moving to Tokyo.." said Aroma.

I nod. "Yea, because my roommate, Roshie wants us to have a better life than here.." I said.

She didn't say anything till she place a kiss on my cheek. "Well, I hope we see each other soon.."

"I guess" I said.

By the next day, me and Roshie had back our stuff and drove away while I said goodbye to Krillin and my girlfriend, Aroma. 'So much for my happy life with Aroma..'

I took a final glance over West City as we drove away. 'Goodbye West City. I wonder what new life I have restore for me and Roshie....'

Author Note: I know this prologue is kind of short but hey! At least I finish it this xD I might work on sometimes next week or at least when I finish up the other fanfic I'm working on :3

Story, Brian and Aroma belong to me! Vegito, Krillin and Roshie belong to Akira Toriyama/Dragonball Z

.:Against The World:. Vegito x GogetaWhere stories live. Discover now