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"Tails, I think it's best if you shut that thing off. We don't want it to reveal anything too...sensitive." Amy said, basically restating what you had said earlier.

"Shut that thing up before it tells Sonic that I looooo-" Before UT could finish its translation, Tails shut the robot down.

"Uh, what was he saying?" Sonic asked.

"Nothing!" Amy blushed. "Nothing important!" She chuckled nervously.

While that went right over Sonic's head, it didn't yours. You heart sank a little. Amy loved Sonic, and you figured he knew that. After all, they've been close friends for a while, so it was bound to happened with either her or Sticks eventually, but you figured more Amy since she was also a hedgehog. But still....

After that, the day went on perfectly. But you guys never saw Tails again that day, but nobody questioned it. You all figured he was working on UT or something.

You stayed at Sonic's shack tonight seeing as how he didn't want to stay at Tails's, but you didn't mind. But you still couldn't get Amy's remark out of her head. She loved Sonic.... Why did that hurt so much? Laying on the couch, you pulled your blanket up further and got out your phone and logged into Wattpad before immediately clicking on an x Reader.

A few minutes later, Sonic came in and saw you on your phone. Thinking about what UT said earlier, he thought maybe it had something to do with your phone. After all, you got on it every night before bed.

He snuck around the shack and peeked over your shoulder, almost catching a glimpse of a paragraph before your gasped and shut off your phone. "Sonic?!"

"What were you doing?"

"N-nothing!" You blushed.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, Sonic!"

He smirked at you, reaching out for your phone as he kept your gaze, but you quickly hid it in a place he dared not reach. "You're never getting this." You smirked. Sonic groaned in defeat as he got into his hammock for the night. That was too close.... You're going to have to be more careful from now on.


The next day, while you were playing Pepper (a volleyball game) with Sticks, Tails came back again with UT. You saw Sticks grimace.

"Okay, I know things got off on the wrong foot yesterday, but I-"

Sonic cut Tails off, saying, "Tails, I think it would be best if you turned UT off."

"Amy Rose is a big dope." UT said. You tried to contain a laugh but it slipped a tiny bit.

Amy glared at you before glaring at Sonic, saying, "So now that's what you're thinking?"

"W-what? No!" Sonic said frantically. "Not even close!"

"At least she isn't as bad as (Y/N)." UT added. You gasped. This time, it was Amy's turn to laugh. "Her hair stinks! What does she shampoo with? Yogurt from the back of the fridge?"

"I didn't say that! He did!" Sonic pleaded, pointing at UT when he saw all expression leave your face.

"Sure you didn't." Knuckled sneered.

"I'm stupid." UT said.

"Hey! I'm not stupid!"

"And, um, I'm ugly too! But not as ugly as Sticks!"

"Hey!" Sticks shrieked after hearing UT's translation. She growled, tackling Knuckles.

"Get off of me!" Knuckles shouted.

"I can't believe you think that." You told Sonic.

"So now you're gonna trust some bucket of bolts over me?" He asked defensively.

"Well seeing as how it translates one's thoughts, why shouldn't I trust it more?! It's not like you would've told me that!"

"Yeah? How do you know?!"

"You know what? I'm done!" You yelled, causing everyone to look at you. "Y'know, Sonic, I left my home for a reason! Wanna know why?!" Before anyone could respond, you said, "It's because life sucked and it felt like nobody cared! I just wanted to escape!" Trying to catch your breath from your rant, you felt tears trickle down your cheek. "When I came here, I thought I could leave that behind! When I met you and the gang, I thought I could finally be truly cared for! But I guess I was wrong. Goodbye, Sonic the Hedgehog! I'm leaving Bygone Island immediately! I'll find another stupid island!" And with that, you stormed off to grab your stuff before dashing into the forest.

You couldn't believe that this had happened. Why this? Why, of all things, did something like this had to happen? First you learn that somebody else likes your friend, then said friend says, or thinks, that he hates you. That's just rich, isn't it? Typical.

But seriously, after everything you've been through and with the very little luck you ever have, how could you not have expected this? It happens all the time. When you thought this, a tear trickled down your cheek as you finally realized that this is your life. Fake friends, betrayal, sadness. This is your life and it wasn't going to change anytime soon.
Maybe an hour or so had passed when you heard a hum that was much too familiar.

Turning around, you met the saddened gaze of a certain blue hedgehog. "What?" You snapped.

"(Y/N), I swear it wasn't me that said all that stuff!"

"Stop, Sonic! Stop lying to me."

"But I'm not lying!"

"Then who said it? Eggman?" You scoffed sarcastically.

"Yes, actually."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" This conversation was starting to bug you.

"(Y/N), what can I do to get you to believe me?"

"Nothing. I don't trust you anymore."

When you said that, Sonic pinned you to a tree. "(Y/N), if I hated you, then I wouldn't care about your well-being so much."

"What?" You whispered, shocked.

"(Y/N), you're important to me. I wouldn't be able to live if I were to lose you." He leaned back, a smirk now in his face, as he said, "Which is why I can't let you leave the island."

"Oh yeah?" You asked, playing with your newfound playfulness. You dropped your bags and began to run, yelling, "I bet you won't catch me!"

Sonic chuckled before running after you. After Sonic told you that, you knew deep in your heart that, no matter what, Sonic would always be a true friend that would never leave your side. And you would never be able to tell him how thankful you were for that.
I guess you got lucky for once.


That night, in Sonic's shack, you accidentally fell asleep while on your phone. Sonic saw this as a chance to be able to see what exactly you do on your phone. He lightly pulled it from your grasp and began to read. When he was done, he was shocked. You were in love, but with a fictional character! How does that work?

But anyways, the main thing he grasped is that you wanted a relationship. You wanted someone to love you, and you wanted someone to love. But you wouldn't settle for any everyday guy. You wanted someone good. So good that they seemed almost unrealistic.

Sonic rested your phone back in your hands with a light blush. Tomorrow, he was going to find a way to read more of those stories to see what you liked. He was determined to figure out what you wanted to happen in a relationship with the one you loved. At least he would be able to help some of your fantasies come true, and he would be one step closer to claiming your heart.

Sonic Boom x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin