Chapter 30

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Authors note: You guys are awesome sorry for the wait I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. : ) On we go.

p.s.s I really really am sorry for the long wait don't hate me. :(

Tell me now. . .

She woke to find herself alone and the keep was a buzz with activity. She gracefully and quitely made her way to the kings audience hall. There she saw him pacing with his son. She chuckled and looked up toward the rafters. She easily climbed and listened in.

He was nervous and it wasn't so much as to what he was saying but what he was getting across to his son. Telling him nonsense things that he already knew. She chuckled quitely to herself. Eventually the Prince and King parted with only a clasping of forearms as a way of saying goodbye. She couldn't stop the rolling of her eyes and so she made her way to the main gates. Leaning comfortably against a column.

Legolas came out leading a horse after a small wait. He noticed her as he settled things in his saddle.

"So will you be watching out for my father while I'm gone?" he asked smiling

"Perhaps if the stubborn king will let me. Whose going to take care of you little elf?" she moved to stand near him.

"I will be alright. I've not said this before but I will now. You are good for my father as he is good for you. Watch out for him?" his hands fell upon the tops of her shoulders.

"I will. Be careful yourself." she hugged him lightly and then let him leave.

She turned toward the open gates and made her way inside. She needed to see what Thranduil had been hiding. She needed to get in his study without his knowlege. A arrogant smile crossed her face as she set her mind to the task.


Thranduil tapped his fingers nervously to release his anxiety. At lunch Navea held an odd look on her face. The look of a cat having eaten the canary. She was up to something. He almost saw the gears in her head turning. The gleam in her eyes was like a siren call for his curiosity.

He stood suddenly and made his way to his study. He noted something was wrong as soon as he saw the nondescript piece of parchment missing from his desk. He had placed it right before his seat in order to adorn the edges with ornate images of ivy and flowers. It was gone.

An open piece of paper written on in neat script replaced it. He picked it up gently his heart racing.

"my lips are red

your eyes are blue

tell me whats in your head

and I have something to tell too"

he scrolled down past the silly poem to find her words.

"Come and try to find me. By moon rise I will read your parchment. if you find me however you can have it back for a price. If not I will read it and come find you. You will owe me something for my troubles. Have a merry hunt! I will be waiting. . ."

He growled lowly at the challenge she had set before him. Added on to his rising frustrations at her impish games. He admitted quitely to himself though that he felt the thrill of the chase and he enjoyed it. He set out finding out where she had gone.


Navea smiled devilishly ay her self as she landed on the floor of Thranduil's study. She hoped he went on a merry chase. She would be relaxing in his quarters while he figured out her whereabouts. She chuckled happily at his impending goose chase.

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