Chapter 17

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Authors note: Sorry about slowing down my updates today. I was doing house work. It is so painful to do house work and other menial things and have all these ideas in your head on where your story is going. Its like a Thranduil housework Thranduil or housework. Most of the time guess what wins??? Have you guessed yet? Its dandandaaaaaa Thranduil. haha. Anyways here is the next chapter. So I have another interesting thing to show you guys about my take on Thranduil. It helps bond these two together. She has ultimate freedom even though she is a leader to her people and stuff. I think deep down he wants to have that kind of freedom.

Winter Solictice

Sometimes time passes in the blink of an eye: like the passing of a summer rain storm over a field of golden wheat. Other times it passed slowly: like seeing the face of a young girl age until she was old. Navea many times after the battle of five armies had come to stand upon the water fall to look out over Mirkwood. Now the summer and fall were left behind in the face of winter.

The cold didn't bother her, she actually much rather preferred it to the heat and dust. She wore leather pants, the sides of her legs where they were loosley stiched together was lined with fur. Her lighter tunic had been exchanged for a heavier wool one. Her coat was of black wool with a wide hood lined in fur as well. Though her body temperature was higher than the normal creatures she still liked to be bundled up. And besides Adrian's mate Rhea always badgered her until she bundled up against the cold.

She was missing the depths of Mirkwood. The alpine valleys and cliffs  of the mountains weren't to her taste she preferred the dense forests. And prehaps she was missing her mate as much as her cat was. The trip back to their homelands had been an adventure no one would forget soon. She and Thranduil had bickered ceaselessly. She smiled behind her scarf covering half her face. She rather liked bickering with him and she had a tingling suspicion that he enjoyed it as well.

Niether of them had talked about her sending men to scout for the patrols. She was going to pay her commrad a visit. She stood gracefully and jumped from the rock angling herself to rocks jutting out below even managing to jump from one side of the falls to another. She had gotten much better a traversing rocky ground. She was adapting to living in the mountains. The bigger cats and the cheethas were not taking it as easily. Leopards and puma's were much better at adapting to differing prey and enviorments.

She dashed across the plains and into the forest taking to the trees. She had decided to travel in human form today. She was getting lax about training her more defensless side. So she went on moving just as agilly through the trees in human form as in animal form. She carried on avoiding the elven patrols here and there. She even managed to kill a few spiders that thought to make a meal of her. The beasts shouldn't be to hard to kill.

'good practice for the young hunters' she thought.


Thranduil sat on his throne bored with the activity that went on around him. He had been in counsel with his advisors for most of the morning. Then with Tauriel and Leogolas he had discussed the addition of the skin changers to the patrols to scout and track for them. Just an hour ago he had seen to what paper work he had to do. Now he was bored watching the preperations for the winter solcitice. The feast to come was an exciting event for his people and his court.

He had seen so many feasts before, but , prehaps there would be some new entertainment. He always enjoyed seeing the young elleths dance the winter solcitice. They always tried to out do the previous years performance. He looked up from his bored thougths of trying to find something to be excited about to find the messenger he had sent for the Lady Navea's attendance later in the week to discuss the scouts being sent and rotated back and forth.

"My Lord there was some complication in getting an audience with the Lady Navea." the messenger said.

"And pray tell what complication was that." he drawled out eyes narrowing on the elf.

The messenger opened his mouth to reply but a feminine laugh was heard above him "I wasn't there. I came to see you about the scouting issue we were talking about before our departure from the battle field."

"Ah leave us. Lady Navea do you still insist on not going through proper channels to gain audience with me." he said stading to see her perched upon the antler motifs of his throne. She was on the balls of her feet balanced on the thin perch perfectly.

"Well I figured were commrades of a sort. And I promise you may enter my hut anytime you like. Though I must warn you." she flipped down to stand before him.

"Warn me of what exactly?" one dark brow raised in question.

She leaned in close to his ear her breath tickling the tampered point. "Its nothing other than  my  tendency to sleep naked." she walked from him studying the silken fabric adorning his throne. It was a icy silver. "You know I much prefer the burnt umber color from before." she carried on the conversation as if she hadn't just shocked him to the core. 

"What?" she turned around. He found her doubling over in laughter at his expression.


Navea couldn't contain herself form laughing at the imperious elf king before her. He could face down giant Gundabad orcs, face off armies and yet the first she mentions sleeping naked he had the expression of just being suprised by an unexpected slap to the face. Or of tasting something horrid. A mixture of the two she supposed.

"What exactly is so funny pet?" he asked knowing it would sober her up. It normally would have if the Elven king of Mirkwood didn't put of the air of being a virgin. His imperiously noble expression was back; the distant and formal one.

"The fact that as soon as someone mentions sleeping in the nude you turn into a blushing virgin." she chuckled once more.

"I think not! There was no blush on my face to name of. I just find it particularly disgusting is your obvious lack of cordial manner." he said turning from her.

"Well whatever you say Lord Thranduil." she said bowing as she managed to get in front of him again.

She followed him to his study ready to discuss the scheduals and amount of scouts he would need. And those seh were willing to send.


Once more she showed him her knack for organizing work forces of men. And an uncanny ability to schedual them as well.  She impressed him which was hard to do at his age. He had lived thousands of life times. Nothiing was new to him and yet she was. She suprised him and amused him, and also annoyed him to no end.

"My Lord there is a complication with the main event tonight." his feast planner said stepping into his study.

"What other complication should i see to now" he asked.

"The dancer who was going to do the acrobatic show has had an accident and she is unable to do the ending event." she said shrugging.

"Who else is there to do it?" he asked standing and walking toward the now nervous planner.

He saw that her gaze was past him and he followed it to find Navea walking along the thin rails of his upper book shelves. She even did a back flip landing perfectly. He shared a knowing look with his planner. He grinned almost meanecingly when he thought of her earlier claims of him being a virgin. Pay back was hell they said.


She turned to see both the elf lady and the king looking at her with differing looks. The planner or assistant looked like she was a saving grace. The king looked quite meanacing with his tight half smile.

'oh no this isn't good. I definatly don't like that look. not one bit.'

"What?" she could't help but ask as she dismounted the railing.

She was going to regret asking that she felt deep down.

End note: yes she seems lighter hearted and more flirty perhaps. there is a reason for that. . . simiply put mating season is near by. Her hormones are high at the moment. Not sexual as of now but just happy go lucky. And thranduil is her mate. If you all really don't like the idea of her going into heat let me know please just comment. If you like the idea let me know.

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