Chapter 8

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Authors note: Okay guys I have a question for you all. Do you think this should skip over the battle at the end of the hobbit book? Or should our skin changers be a part of the battle? You guys decide. Please let me know. I write better from the visuals of the movie so it may not be as good as what I could write from the book. I'm willing to try just let me know! Please and thanks bunches! :)

Leopard facts: Females range from 140 To 150 males range from 160-175 one male leopard was recorded to be up to 200 in Africa. Rare but cool. Every leopards spots are unique. And finally ever wonder how silent a leopard really is? Two men were watching TV in a house side by side on the couch. A leopard stole into the house and approached attacked and drug away one of the men so silently that his friend didn't even notice until he looked over at a commercial break. Crazy scary these cats are with their silence and ambush tactics.

Foundations for a stronger future

She stood butchering the carcass of a mountain goat. They provided ample meat and hide for clothing. She noted her brother Adrian gathering up a group of men soon to head to Lake town.

They needed animals about the village. Pigs, sheep, goats, and cows. Hopefully what they couldn't buy could be stolen from people able to spare them even though they were unwilling. They needed to sustain themselves on more than just wild game. They had bought seeds in the early autumn to plant in the spring.

Already the summer had been beneficial. The hide and wooden frame huts were almost totally replaced with sturdier structures. They had scouted out a nice river valley with amble soul and forest. It was within the protection of the mountains.

The gentle streams and creeks flowed easily through it until it reached the southern ridges and disappeared into the rock. The water reappeared within a small lake in the valley over. That water flowed into the river that led to the falls. That flowed past the plains bordering Mirkwood.

The new location was atleast a days full travel from the frost kings lair. No meed to worry of being tracked. The elf king had good reason for staying out of the Mountains north of his realm. Dragons once lingered here.

Some still did the legends claimed. Her people had no gold and no wealth of any kind that a dragon would want. So they stuck to the lowlands and stayed far from caves.

She sectioned off the meat some sent to the smoking area to be saved for winter. Some went to the families. Around 100 families lived in the clan an average of at least 3 members to a family made up the 300 mouths to feeds. Since sex drive among her kind was high as was fertility more would soon be on the way. Also considering normally there was more than one babe in a single birth.

Her people were recovering. Slowly but surely the feline skin walkers were making a come back. It was a slow process. Still there was hope.

She made her way toward the private stream to bath. She washed the blood from her skin. The hunt had gone well. They couldn't always rely upon it though. It put too much strain upon the environment and was never for sure.

She walked toward her families hut and pulled on the blue heavy wool skirt. Her top tunic was a grey. The leggings beneath were black. In her tasks she never knew when she would need leggings.

Her dresses had loops at the ends of the skirt beside her ankles. It was there that if need be she could hook the onto the hooks at the waist. She was a huntress and a warrior her job wasn't one of leisure.

Her brother came in as she pulled her long golden brown hair up into a bun. Today she wasn't in the mood to fool with it.

"We will go now. Tell me what do you want from Lake town?" he asked his golden eyes glimmering.

"Nothing brother. You already have four presents to get think nothing of mine." she answered.

"Ah then I shall get you whatever I like. Excellent. Tell me the triumph of something Navea." he asked following her exasperated form from the hut.

"What would that be Adrian." she picked up the buckets and filled them at the stream.

"Are you truly alright? You were gone for sometime locked away in the elf kingdom." he said seriously. His catlike and elven features creased with worry.

"I am alright. I am home and we are almost set for winter. We have ample time to move before the snows. We have.livestock soon to come. We are laying strong foundations for the future." she said smiling up at her brother hoping to loosen his worry.

"Yes our aunt should have done this decades ago. She never made the settlement permanent. She thought we could one day move about as we did before. Those days are past. It is now time to settle here." he agreed.

These mountains are better to us than other places. Perhaps they are harsh but they keep us safe." she said placing the water outside the hut.

"Well I am off." he bent to rub the underside of his chin over the top of her head she did the same to his cheek.

They both purred on the outward breath and bid a silent farewell. It was the feline way to strengthen bonds. Not only by physical contact but by scent marking members of a family.

She watched them go and then started to get the people ready to make a primary move toward the new settlement. Valuable objects and things would be moved for now. She was second here she could have been leader here if she had chosen to. She had stepped down to let her brother take the dominous place.

She would see their people's things moved safely. Horses ; sturdy mountain ponies more like, helped move the laden travoise up to the ridge of the river valley. During winter they would stay there above.the cold valley floor. In summer they would go to the valley.

'A strong foundation indeed.'

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