Chapter 7

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"Draco, go!" Hadrian ordered as the Dark Lord entered the training room. The blond had been in the process of removing his robes when the door was almost blasted apart by the man's purely physical strength.

"I can't leave you with him!" he protested as Hadrian's magic protected him just in time to block whatever curse had been thrown at him.

"Go get the rest and I'll deal with him." Hadrian flung himself towards Draco just as another spell was cast. He came just in time for the burst of magic to hit his shields. "Go!" he shouted. "I can't concentrate on him with you here."

"Fine, but I'm coming right back."

"Okay." he nodded as he faced the frightening red eyes of the man he had fallen in love with. Hadrian knew he should be terrified but the jealousy he could see floating in the wine-red orbs only had him excited. He was thrilled to know that Tom was interested in him, enough to try to harm other people because of it. The power the man was displaying was intoxicating and he wanted to feel more of it. "What the hell is your problem?" he snarled angrily at the man as the door closed behind Draco. Inwardly though he was cackling with glee. Tom had finally snapped.

"What's my problem?" Tom retorted with another slash of his wand. "You're the one cavorting with other people right in front of me!" his frustration grew as the boy continued to deflect his spells.

"Cavorting with other people?" Hadrian asked as he dodged a cutting hex. "What are you talking about?"

"Why the hell would you feed a vampire?" Tom ignored his question and asked one of his own. "Don't you know that it bonds you to them for as long as you both live?"

"This is about Neville?" another dodge, another spell, another duck.

"Who is the young lady you call Hera? What is she to you? What is she doing here?"

"Why do you care?"

"And just what were you doing with Draco? He already has two lovers, isn't that enough?"

"What is the real problem here?"

"What the hell are you doing with all these people?" Tom asked as he finally closed in but he didn't know that Hadrian let him. He pushed the younger man against the wall and trapped the green-eyed boy's hands against the wall.

"Don't you mean why am I doing things with them and not with you?" Hadrian asked as he met the flashing red gaze. "Why should I do anything with you when you ignored me for more than a few days?" he asked, his voice soft. "Why are you jealous when you're the one who pretended I wasn't there? What was the point of having Tilly move me into your rooms when all you do is hide from me? How do you even do it?" Hadrian asked. "We live in the same manor and I know that it's big but I don't think it's big enough for me not to see you for three whole days. Did I do something?" without wanting it to, his insecurities came to life. Faced with the man he had fallen in love with in the span of a few weeks, the jealousy that Tom felt because of him should've clued him in that his attentions was reciprocated but he couldn't help it. Almost sixteen years of living in an abusive household that made you feel worthless for being different would do that to you. "Why did you ignore me like that?" Hadrian asked, his eyes closing as he tried to stave off the tears. He was strong as Hades, he had to be the leader but as Hadrian his fears will always be there.

"What do you mean?" Tom was struck hard by what he had heard and only then did he remember what he'd done. He had ignored Hadrian the day after the young man had slept in his bed and he had continued to do so afraid of losing his control should he let himself get close. He thought the boy was not ready for a commitment and that was what he wanted from him. He'd wanted to give Hadrian space, to let him live life the way he would want to. He didn't want to control Hadrian the way Dumbledore did so he stayed at arms length. But his friends began coming and he started to learn more about the boy. In truth he was amazed with the things he'd learned but at the same time he was extremely jealous with the people Hadrian was always with. They were his age, they were attractive in their own ways and he was afraid that they would take Hadrian's attention away from him. At the time he had thought that Hadrian was taking the time to spend with everyone else but him and flaunting it at his face but now he realized that he was lashing out because he'd been left alone. "Did you do all these because of me?" he asked the young man who was quietly crying in his arms. He knew Hadrian could get away from him if he wanted to, he'd seen the strength his beloved had but he didn't fight. He stayed pliantly in his arms letting the tears simply fall. "Hadrian?"

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