Chapter 6

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"Good morning!" Hadrian greeted everyone loudly as he stepped into the informal dining are with Genevieve in his arms. He received a chorus of "good mornings" in response as he settled himself next to Draco who was sitting beside Fred with George on his twin's side.

"Did you sleep well last night Hera?" Fred asked the young lady who was leaning on Hadrian's shoulder as he put some food in a single plate.

"I did." she smiled at her fellow redhead. "Though I still can't walk properly." she said with a wink, watching as Tom froze with a spoon in mid-air. "Someone was a little too enthusiastic yesterday." she snuggled further into Hadrian's arm as Tom's knuckles turned white. Everyone watched with baited breath as the Dark Lord breathed deeply before letting it out slowly in an attempt to calm down.

"Hadrian!" George admonished. "You know you shouldn't have tired her out too much yesterday, we still have a lot of work to do."

"It's not my fault we got carried away." he shrugged as he stabbed a pancake with his fork and fed it to Genevieve. "I just can't help myself when she's near." his voice was a husky whisper and yet everyone heard it. There was a sharp intake of breath from someone, though Hadrian didn't need to look to know that it was Tom, as he tucked a stray lock behind her ear and kissed her forehead as if in apology.

"You made it up to me anyway." Genevieve smiled a soft smile at him and their eyes locked twinkling mishievously at the show they were putting on. On either side of Tom, both Lucius and Severus were hard-pressed to hide their smirks knowing what the teens were trying to do. "I won't complain as long as you massage whatever body part that becomes sore afterwards." she kissed the corner of his lips before taking another bite.

"I promise."

"Guys, you are at the table you know." Fred reminded them as they made no move to continue eating.

"Neville and Luna still asleep?" Hadrian asked the twins as he turned his attention back to the table. He kept an arm around Genevieve and continued feeding her from his own plate.

"I think so."

"Most probably," Draco answered as he sipped from his goblet. "I cleared them both last night besides feeding and claiming." he smirked at Hadrian who returned it.

"Are you talking about us again Draco?" Neville entered the dining room followed by Luna who had Rosie in her arms.

"Nope, just answering questions." Neville raised an eyebrow skeptically as he sat down across Hadrian and Genevieve.

"Good to see you with us Lexi."

"It's good to be here." she nodded at him and he smiled as he took a plate for himself and Luna.

"Nev, do you need to feed?" Hadrian asked noting the slight tremble in his hands and the small ring of red around his hazel eyes. He was worried about his friend, he knew that rigorous exercise tended to make him hungry for blood.

"I can last a few more hours." Neville shrugged as he began to feed Luna in the same way Hadrian was doing to Genevieve.

"We'll go as soon as they finish eating."

"You should eat as well Hadrian, you've had nothing to eat since yesterday." Draco reminded him. "And you'll need your strength for after."


Severus watched with amusement at the teens' ploy. After their talk the night before both he and Lucius knew where Hadrian stood with the young lady they called Hera. They had never made it to dinner as the two teens took the time to explain their relationship to the lovers and Severus had the diatinct feeling that his son knew of their attraction to the redheaded girl. His eyes met Lucius' across the table as Tom's fingers tightened around his fork. Lucius returned his smirk and he thought that knowing the story behind the actions actually made a lot of difference when it came to the confrontation.

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