"Draco," Severus shook his thoughts out of his head and listened once more as Hadrian spoke. "Remember what I asked you?"

"Yes," the blond raised a suspicious eyebrow at the brunet.

"I thought we could do it."

"Absolutely not." Draco protested.

"Why not?" the blond glared at him until he silenced himself.

"Hadrian I think you're forgetting to do something."

"Not really, I was waiting for everyone to finish eating but if you want me to do it now I will." Hadrian shrugged. "You're not getting away with changing the subject though. We will talk about it later." Draco rolled his eyes before nodding. "Alright, I suppose introductions are in order. Fred, George, Luna, Neville and Draco you all know Hera so there's no need to tell you who she is." he turned his attention to the adults. "Dad and Lucius you've already met her last night." the two men nodded. "Tom, Rodolphus, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Rabastan, meet the new Lady Potter Genevieve Alexandria." she garnered surprised looks from everyone who didn't yet know her and Tom finally snapped.


Tom could've accepted Hadrian feeding a vampire. He could've overlooked his trysts with the young lady what with his taller stature, bright emerald eyes and shoulder length ebony locks that framed his handsome face perfectly he could definitely understand the attraction to Severus' son. His broad shoulders and lean body all topped with high cheekbones and rosy lips, Hadrian was certainly one of a kind. Tom didn't share. He was the Dark Lord. He was possessive and easily angered and this is something that would definitely spark his wrath. He pushed his chair back so violently it rattled to the floor with a loud clatter shocking all other occupants of the dining room. He ignored the widened eyes and the gaping mouths at his uncharacteristic display. He'd berate himself later for losing control so easily right now he needed to vent. He could've accepted anything else but this is the final straw, he can't accept his beloved giving his name to another, most especially not a woman. He strode out of the room without a backwards glance leaving behind a bewildered audience in his wake.


"Explanations will be made later on once the dunderhead has calmed down." Hadrian told the rest of the group. "I do not like to repeat myself so I'd rather do it when we're all here." he rolled his eyes at the display but smirked inwardly. His plan was going smoothly it was only a matter of time before Tom became officially his. He needed one more push.

"Ickle Harry Potter!" Bellatrix's angry screech broke through the silence of the room. "You angered the Dark Lord!" she hopped out of her seat and onto the table brandishing her wand at the young man. "I will kill you."

"We've been over this Bella," Hadrian sighed as he looked at her with boredom sparking in his jade eyes. "You can't kill me. I won't let you kill me. There is only one person I will ever let do that and he just left the room."

"The Dark Lord is mine!" she snarled at him as she crouched in front of Hadrian and Genevieve. Neither of the teens moved even as she jabbed her wand at his forehead.

"No Bella, he's mine." Hadrian took hold of her wand arm and the three disappeared with neither a sound nor a flare of magic.

"Thank goodness Lexi's here." Draco muttered to his lovers. "Aunt Bella will finally be treated."


"Yes mother?"

"What just happened?"

"Perhaps we should retire to the sitting room to wait for them to return." Severus suggested once he realized that they had all finished eating. "In the meantime explanations could be made." they all agreed and moved to the lounge where they positioned themselves according to couples. Silence decended upon the group while they all waited for someone to begin the discussion and it took them by surprise when it was Neville who asked the first question.

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