Nathaniel X Reader

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Y/N =Your name
New class. New school.
I could do this! I knew no one at this school. I was so scared I wouldn't fit in and that I'd be awkward the whole time. I just took a deep breath and walked to class. I got there early just in case. I was almost never late to anything.

I walked in and saw the teacher.
She noticed me. "Oh You must be Y/N am I correct?"
"Yes Miss Bustier is it?"
"Your correct."
She handed me a couple papers from my desk. I glanced at them quickly. They were my schedule and supply list.
I smiled at her,"Thank you!"
"Your welcome sweetheart.
Your a little early but lucky for you we have an empty seat in the class you can have. If you have any problems there just let me know."
She directed me toward the seat and I sat down to wait for the other students to arrive. I decided to get out my sketchbook and draw a couple things in the room. I was always doing studies. I was always drawing. I sketched out a couple things off her desk and then checked the time. Only ten minutes passed. The bell was to ring any minute now. I sighed and rested my head on my hands. I wonder if there were any other students who drew in her class.

I was misguided by my thoughts after the bell rang. I looked up and watched the kids walk in one by one.
Nothing too special but one did catch my eye. A boy with red hair, a red shirt and a grey jacket. He was totally my style. I hated it but I really really wanted to draw him. I know I shouldn't draw people without asking but I couldn't help it.

"Hey there you must be new."
I snapped out of daydreaming.
A bouncy and ecstatic girl was talking to me.
"Oh yeah I'm new."
She held out her hand," I'm Rose nice to meet you!"
I shook her hand and smiled "I'm Y/N, I'm from America!"
We took our seats and waited for everyone to get settled in.

At that moment I noticed the guy with red hair was sitting beside me. He sits beside me!

Ms.Bustier decided to take role. I paid close attention so I could get his name.

"Nathaniel." She called.

Nathaniel's his name. I looked at him mouth wide open. What a calming name.
Everyone looked at me but I stammered up.
"I'm uh I'm Here."
My hands were shaking all over.
I guess Nathaniel noticed my nervousness. He turned to look at me and smiled. He then whispered to me. "Awesome sketches there! Hope we can be friends."
I looked back at my desk. I completely forgot the drawings I made. I was too nervous to reply so I just nodded and smiled. I turned the page in my sketchbook.

Ms.Bustier began to teach. It was all stuff I've already learned. I was boring learning the stuff I already knew. I spaced out and began drawing. I kept glancing at Nathaniel.
About 30 minutes went by. Some way or another I ended up drawing a picture of Nathaniel. I quickly closed my sketchbook and freaked out. What was I thinking? I can't let him see this!

I turned to see if he was looking. He wasn't
Was he drawing?
He's a drawer too!?
Before I knew it the bell rang. Everyone ran out of class including me. Then I ran into a girl with blonde hair. It wasn't Rose though.
"Ugh watch where your going newbie."
"S..sorry it won't happen again!"
My sketchbook. It was wide open on the page of Nathaniel! I scrambled around trying to get it. Someone's hand went to grab it and mine touched there's.
I looked up and there he was.
He moved his hand quickly. "Oh uhh I'm sorry. Chloe does that to me a lot."
I was so confused and lost in his face that I couldn't moved.
"Need a hand?"
He held out his hand for me. I took it automatically.
"Thank you so much!"
He picked up my sketchbook and saw the drawing of him.
I blushed terribly.
"Oh is uhh I'm so sorry it's just uhh your face.. uh I mean you are just so I uhh."
"Hey it's ok. It's really good don't worry."
He pulled out a sketchbook him self and turned to a page. "I uhh kinda drew you also."
I looked at the drawing in awe. It was so beautiful. "Oh my gosh that's beautiful. Your amazing Nathaniel!"
He shifted on his other leg and scratched the back of his neck. "Oh h it's nothing. You can have it once I color it though? In exchange for something else of course."
"Of course anything to make it up to you."
"I want to go on a date with you. It doesn't even have to mean anything I just want to hang out sometime. Maybe draw together."
I lit up. My smile grew and I couldn't believe it.
"Of course I will, I'd love to!"
"Great! It's a date then."
I nodded.
"See you around Y/N. Can't wait!"
He grabbed my hand and bent down to kiss it. I could swear my face was the reddest thing on the earth right now.

I watched him casually leave then Rose came running over to me.
"I overheard everything! Bout time he got a Girlfriend!"
I was too lost for words to correct her. I just smiled at her and bolted home.

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