Friend Zone

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I used to loathe logging into my Facebook, and scrolling to see guys sharing pictures that stated "woman are out here saying they want a good guy" and bashing on how their stuck in the friend zone. Like really?

  I don't think they realize that its not just them who are forever friend zoned by some woman. That we somehow created it using our little minds, and it wasn't fair that we were looking over all the good guys just to take the bad ones, and then complaining that they broke our hearts.

   Woman are friend zoned too. Do you know how many high school crushes met ink stained pages of a girls diary and never made it past the chapped lips of the insecure? Girls, who were too short or too tall, not blonde or not curvy. The ones who, god forbid, actually had achne and braces. The girls that didn't care what other people thought of their appearance and focused on getting their grades so high they could get into ivy league and finally be away from all the people who judge them. But on the inside, they do care. They cry them selves to sleep at night because, the pretty cheerleader that is thrown into a tight little skirt by the administration got the football players eyes. Or the curvy art major who gets cat calls when she walks down the hall with her nose in a book. Why doesn't anyone love me like that?

We mistake being hit on for crushes and flirtation for attraction. When the captain of the swim team smacks your ass you smile and keep walking, because that means he likes you. Woman did not create the friend zone, we rule it. We are born into society with a halo arouns our necks, the word virginity crawled into it, and a throne designated in the "friend zone". Wait until you know he loves you, wait until your married. The only way for us to escape is by giving up our sexuality and becoming a harlot, with a scarlet letter A burned into our bosom.

Virgins, good girls, freaks, quiet ones, the depressed, the victims. They are the queens of the friend zone because they put themselves there before anyone else can. Because if a man puts his hand on your bare thigh and you push it away, your considered prude. But if you let him keep touching you, you’re a slut.

The friend zone. We did not create it, we were born and raised there. It is our home, somewhere where being voiceless was considered a delicacy and the white walls never closed in.

Now that weve finally decided that the unlocked door was worth opening, it’s a decision that we've subconsciously made to give you a taste of your own goddam medicine. Welcome home boys, you might be here for a while.

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