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After watching Arron leave I couldn't help but feel worried. I started heading home until I was approached by two different minutemen, looper he was a brown skinned boy with a slim pointed jaw and green eyes and smooth slicked back jet black hair and his twin sister umma she was gorgeous.

Looper was a scary guy. See age plays a large role in respect here in human years umma and looper would be 17 and I would be 19 but after seeing what looper was capable of I was afraid to even mention the wrong thing near him.

In his billions of years of living he's been a strong soldier , very underrated. Looper never talked much and kept things simple it worried me a little that I was the only guy he could have real conversations with a tempus so violent in nature but so intelligent it was intimidating.

Umma was not like looper she smiled a lot and actually talked to much. She had a yellow band across the middle of her slicked backed hair

"The cypher king ! Rudy hux!" Looper nudged Me. "The iron road runner , the witch time killer" I said with a nervous smile.

We called looper the iron road runner because looper once killed over 100 TW's in less than 30 seconds he was the fastest living creature in time city besides onyx.

"And you got the smile cannon with you as well " I lightly motioned to umma . She was called the smile cannon because even during battles her smile never left her face.

"Rudy I need to make a meeting in your clock tower just me and you , so maybe we can discuss what's going on around the cogs " looper said as he adjusted his rifle on his shoulder. I swallowed hard I was afraid to be around looper by myself someone with his strength always made me feel uneasy

"So umma isn't coming ?" I asked "no I have things to do actually ." Umma cocked her chin up to me and made a left leaving me with looper "so when do you want to do this meeting ?" I asked looper pulling out a schedule book

Looper twitched his lip and gave me a nasty look "man cut that shit , if I tell you I'll be at your place when the 12th star rises just remember that I'll be there !" Looper said calmly slapping my book out of my hand

Looper never really showed emotion he was cold and even him slapping a book out of my gave me chills.

I kneeled down and picked up my book , he smacked it out my hand then picked it up for me. "I'm sorry Man I ain't mean to do that to you just I hate seeing you do unnecessary things , you got a wide mind , you don't need a book to remember that I'm going to show up." Looper said flatly with no expression or emotion. He always looked angry

"I'll see you " looper said as he snapped his rifle off his shoulder and held it in one hand

He started walking away and I felt relaxed again .

He shot a large blast of light into the sky "AYE!ROUND IT UP WE GOTTA HEAD BACK TO BASE!" His deep voice cut through the crowd and all the minutemen ran towards him

And as for me I headed back to my clock tower

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