"Are you going to Frostflight's kits' ceremony tomorrow?" Bluefur asked.

            Lemonpaw gasped, dropping the moss at her feet. "I totally forgot! They become apprentices tomorrow?"

            Bluefur nodded. "Oh, yes. They came to visit Poppyfur this afternoon and were talking all about it and how they would get to train with their big sister. I've heard you've been visiting less and less."

            "Oh, yes, well, I've been so exhausted after training, I haven't gotten around to it," Lemonpaw admitted. "But I'll visit tonight. I'm sure they'd like that."

            "I'll come with you," Raspberrypaw offered.

            "Me too," Thymepaw signed.

            "Thymepaw, do-do you want to go on a walk?" Lemonpaw asked.

            "Ooh, I'll come too!" Raspberrypaw exclaimed.

            "Oh, well..." Lemonpaw began, only to be cut off by Bluefur.

            "Perhaps you leave them alone. Raspberrypaw, we can go over some new signs that you're struggling with. Didn't you think Thymepaw was asking for water when he was discussing hunting yesterday?"

            "Oh, well...I suppose," Raspberrypaw agreed, embarassed.

            "We'll meet up with you later," Thymepaw signed, exiting with Lemonpaw.

            "Great. So, let's go!" she exclaimed, rushing into the woods. Thymepaw rushed after her, grinning.

            She still longed to hear his voice that she had not heard since she was a young kit, but she knew Thymepaw's existence was a gift. He could've died that day.

            No cat really spoke about Thymepaw's muteness, though Lemonpaw wondered on a daily basis whether his ability to speak would ever return.

            "How's training?" Lemonpaw asked.

            Thymepaw began moving his paws, explaining how he'd caught a squirrel and a mouse.

            "That's great. I've been okay at hunting. Firelight says I'm better at fighting."

            Thymepaw shook his head, telling her she was a good hunter.

            "Thanks," she grinned, stopping in a clearing where the new-leaf sun shined perfectly down through them.

            The weather had gotten hotter, and Lemonpaw was aware that it would be green-leaf in a fairly short time.

            "Nice weather," she admitted.

            Thymepaw nodded next to her.

            Lemonpaw gazed down awkwardly, wanting to tell Thymepaw everything, the truth, but she couldn't. How could she love a tom who couldn't even tell her he loved her back?

            Trying to break up the tension, she shoved Thymepaw with her paw, giggling.

            Thymepaw narrowed his eyes and pounced at her, causing Lemonpaw to laugh. Together, they pounced around like they had in the nursery when they were kits.

            They giggled and laughed until they had collapsed next to each other out of breath and laughing.

            Lemonpaw gazed up at the sunset now, admiring the waves of orange and pink that made the sky look lovely.

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