"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"Was it another dream about your sister?" I slowly shook my head.

"No, not this time. This dream was about the man who killed her. He was about to introduce his partner when you woke me up. He said his partner hired someone to watch me and that's how he knew so much about me."

"Well, it's a good thing it was just a dream. Now come on, let's get to training."

"Yeah, your right. Thanks Ellie."

"Hey, what are friends for?" I hugged her and then we walked to training together. When we arrived, all of the other young adults in the program were stretching. Ellie and I found an open space and began stretching as well. We ended up streching by Levail, one of my other best friends in the program. He transfered from Russia about five years ago. When Rusty walked in, we all stood up and waited for his instruction.

"Alright you guys, the agency has a special mission for you today. You guys are going to be normal teenagers." We all looked confused, but waited for him to elaborate on his statement. "We have intel that there is Russian spy's in Texas. We don't exactly know what they want, but we know who they are. We have only cuaght them talking to people your age. So we want you all to go undercover as normal teens and figure it out. We have hotel arrangements and a reserved bank account for you all to do things normal teens might do." I raised my hand and waited for a response. "Yes Hayleiah?"

"What do normal teens do?" He put a hand on his forehead.

"Why don't you research it while your packing. Anyway, I have assigned teams to go to different parts of Texas. Hayleiah, Ellie, and Levail, you three will be in Dallas Texas." All three of us got excited since we were going to be working together. When he finished calling out teams, he dismissed us to go start packing. I walked to my room with Ellie so she could help me pack, then I would help her.

"This is so exciting."

"I know, you'll finally get a chance to get close to Levail." She gave me a smirk.

"Were on a mission, plus you know I don't let people that close to me. I have two friends and that's because I know they can handle themselves. I don't want to start dating anyone and you know that."

"Do I, because based on the looks you two give each other, you would think the opposite. And I should know, I'm an expert in reading body language."

"Just because I act like I want a boyfriend, doesn't mean I actually want one."

"Alright fine, I'll drop it for now." She stood up from the chair she was sitting in and started getting my clothes to put in my suit case. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door so I answered it. When the door was open, I saw Levail standing there smiling. I felt my cheeks get warm and form a smile as well.

"Hey, what can I do for you?" I said with red cheeks which were probably much too obvious.

"I came to bring you ladies your travel tickets and hotel information. Were in first class, even though the flight is only an hour."


"If it's ok with Ellie, maybe I can sit with you Leiah."

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll be fine with it, I'll see you in an hour for our flight."

"Yeah, see you then." He smiled and left. I closed the door slowly, already knowing what I would see when I tunred around.

"Ok, I know what your thinking and it's nothing like that."

"Then what is it?"

"Maybe he just wants to talk about the mission."

"Leiah, our mission is to go shopping and look for people who could potentially be dangerous to our generation. It's pretty self explanatory."

"Fine, maybe it is what it looks like." Ellie put the shirt down that she was folding and walked to the side of the room I was in. She put a hand on my shoulder.

"Look, I know your scared of losing someone else in your life, but I think you should open up again. It's been ten years and we all know Levail can handle himself. Let yourself have a little fun."

"But, what if we break up and he doesn't want to be friends anymore."

"This is Levail were talking about, he's the sweetest guys you will ever meet, he's not going to hurt you." I smiled and looked into her dark brown eyes for any signs that she was lying. I knew she wasn't but now I was looking for security. I had no idea if I was making the right decision.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot. But what are we supposed to wear on this trip. All we have is agency clothes."

"Remember that reserved account that Rusty was talking about?"

"Uh huh."

"What do you think that's for?"

"Oh, ok that makes sense. But what about when we first get to Dallas?" Just then there was another knock on the door. I opened it again to reveal the same person as before.

"Rusty also wanted me to bring these two outfits for you guys. I think this shirt would look good on you Leiah." He held up a white shirt with silouette of a mouse that was filled in with a floral print.

"Thanks, but why the mouse?"

"It's from a company called Disney, apparently it's really popular with our generation."

"Oh, ok then. Bye." He waved and turned to leave after I grabbed the stack of clothes from him. "Well, I guess it's pointless to pack clothes." I turned to Ellie again and she was smiling. "What?"

"Well... go put it on." I grabbed the shirt Levail had unfolded and a pair of shorts. I went to the bathroom to change and put the clothes on. They were really cute, but not necessarily my style. Though I would probably lean more towards this style for the mission. I walkd out and Ellie had a chesire cat girn across her face. "Your so cute." I smiled and looked at the gorund.

"Thanks, now let's finish this." We finished packing my stuff, then moved to Ellie's room to do hers. We met Levail in the lobby so we could get in the agency car and ride to the airport. When Levail saw us he smiled.

"Ladies, you both look very nice. Shall we go?" We both nodded and handed him our luggage. He put it in the back of the car and got in the drivers seat. He drove us to the airport and helped us with our luggage again. We first went to drop it off, then we went to check our infrmation and find our flight. After about an hour, we boarded the plane and got comfortable.

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