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The bell rang right as the clock struck 7:25am, signaling the start of first period. Students were still dragging into the building, some clutching onto travel mugs full of coffee like their lives depended on it. Teachers starting up their computers while trying to get their class ready to learn, though not much progress was made.

The only student that was awake enough to participate in the early morning discussions was Michael. He had always been a morning person, even as an infant he would always be up early. He gets up early to watch the sun rise because the way the sky illuminates with colour fascinates him.

The Algebra 2 teacher Mr. Porter had tried to strike up conversation with his class for the third time this week, but to no avail. He shrugs it off like he's used to it and moves on. The lesson for the day begins, and so does the snores of students who pass out from boredom and lack of sleep. He isn't phased by students sleeping in his class, it happens so often he just lets it happen now.

The few students who were awake were staring out the window watching the wildlife outside while zoning out Mr. Porter. Riverview didn't get much sun, but every now and then you could see it peeking through the clouds and fog, making little rays scatter all over the town. It was quite a sight to see, especially this early in the morning.

"Um, Mr. Porter, may I use the restroom?" A quiet voice from the back of the room spoke up.

"Sure thing Mike, just hurry back. Wouldn't want you to miss the new lesson, huh?" The middle-aged teacher replied. His voice was more on the raspy side.

The teen grumbled and exited the classroom. 'I hate that name. I hate being called Michael and Mike. I just want-'

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. I wasn't paying attention." A deep, baritone voice protruded from above the teen's head. It was one of the astronomy students here at Gateway High. Art and Science students don't normally interact with each other, except for situations like this one.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I was too busy dealing with my own thoughts. Oh you dropped some of your papers, here I'll help you pick them up." Suddenly quick hands reached down and grabbed the notes that had fallen out of his binder.

"I got it, thank you though," a nervous voice crack broke through on that last word. "I'm late to class anyways. Sorry again for bumping into you. See you later."

The dirty blond haired teen walked away at a brisk pace and headed off to the other side of the building for his classes. A piece of paper was left behind and the shorter, curious teen went to pick it up.

Dearest Vincent,

We all know how much you miss us. Why don't you ever visit? Or even talk to us. You've been avoiding us for years. We just want to make things right, why won't you let this happen? We miss you terribly. Please don't let this tear our family apart even more. We just want the best for you. We'll try to become more accepting, it's just difficult.

Sincerely, Paul and Katie Savage

The letter made it's way into the back pocket of dark blue jeans as the black haired student made his way to the bathroom.

UnhingedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang