CHAPTER 1: Of Wal-Mart Parking Lots, Keys Locked in Cars, and White Vans

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  • Dedicated to My Granma

CHAPTER ONE: Of Wal-Mart Parking Lots, Keys Locked in Cars, and White Vans

For me, being stuck in a Wal-Mart parking lot at midnight when it's negative fifty outside was one of those moments. I glared into the dark interior of Karson's bug, towards the object of my hatred. A set of brass keys dangled from the ignition, as if to say ‘ha ha ha, whatcha gonna do now bitch?’

That stupid car and I were not on good terms.

I clutched my bag tight in my hands, desperate for some sort of protection. I shivered and scooted closer to Karson. "Let's go back in Wal- Mart. I'm freaking cold and so am not in the mood to get violated," I forced through chattering teeth.

Karson sighed, a puff of white mist seeping from her mouth. She muttered, "stupid car," and kicked the tire. As we walked from the farthest parking spot in the lot I told myself I would not get raped. I would get murdered. Stuff like that didn't happen to me, didn't happen to people from a town as small as Garland, Idaho.

Of course episodes of Dateline and Criminal Minds raced through my thoughts unwillingly. Karson and I were two vulnerable teenage girls. It would be the typical crime. If only I had brought the pepper spray my mom had given me after I received my first C-sized bra, maybe it would’ve at least given us some form of peace of mind.

I mean a little mace to the eye and a straight kick to the crouch was enough bring down any man, right? I walked faster at the thought, folding my arms over my chest. "Hey, remember that time we both got lost in Wal-Mart when we were five, and you peed in your pants while we were in the toy isle?"

Karson raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah…why’re you bringing that up?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for laughing at you. Because I think I'm about to do the same thing." In my peripheral vision, I spotted something odd. A man was crouched beside a truck, appearing to either be tying his shoe, or hiding. In the next few seconds, the world spun a bit slower.

I stared at him from the corner of my eye, hoping we weren't attracting any attention. His head was tilted in our direction though the shadows made it impossible to make out any definite features. Sadly, we were still a long ways from the comforting lights of Wal-Mart.

Have you ever been chased before? Like genuinely chased like by a dude you’ve never met? Because if you haven't, you aren't missing out on anything terribly pleasant. Actually, I would recommend to never, ever going into a dark parking lot, dark alleyway, dark basement or really anywhere with too many shadows just to avoid that experience.

I broke out into a run as soon as the man stood and started to walk towards us. Karson looked at me odd again. She tugged back, but thankfully didn't stop running.

He could've been a man simply picking up his cellphone from the ground, going to Wal-Mart at midnight because he forgot toilet paper. But my bets were on that he was a potential psycho killer, and taking that chance- who wouldn't want a head start?

Behind us he sprinted like an Olympic runner. Still...perhaps he just had the runs? Maybe he forgot his kid?

Run, run, run little piggy- just as fast as you can

The wolf's about to take a big bite out of your ass...

My right hand outstretched towards the halo of light- so close...must...reach...

"Noooo! Hel-"

I was yanked backwards; a rough hand covered my mouth and muffled my scream.

Yep. Psycho killer.

He pushed me to the ground and I tried to turn around, tear myself from his iron grip, but he was too strong. We were sure to be raped...or killed...or both! I couldn’t die yet- I was still a virgin! I stopped struggling then, stiff as a plank.

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