Chapter 13 - Peace at Last and Unexpected Apologies

Start from the beginning

"How did you come up with this concept?" Frankie asks.

"I remember my dad always wanted to sit in his recliner and eat dinner while watching television and my mom always made him sit at the table. When I decided to open my own restaurant, I thought about him and how I would love to be able to sit in a recliner and eat dinner. So I came up with this. I figured if it didn't catch on, I could sell this furniture and buy regular tables and chairs to replace them with, but from the beginning it was a success. On any given night, you see so many men in here and they all say they will be back because it is so comfortable to sit and eat here." He responds.

They finish moving the tables and we stand up. Cameron and Solomon grab our chairs while Rand grabs Frankie and Grey grabs ahold of me. She has a blissful smile on her face and I know that I have the same on mine. They carry us to the door and we pile into our respective vehicles. We follow Frankie and my brother's for a little while and we finally pull in front of a luxury hotel. I'm lifted out of the back seat by Grey and Solomon pulls our luggage out of the trunk. I look at Grey, "Yes, we had this planned." He admits before I can ask any questions.

We walk inside of this opulent hotel and Frankie and I look around. Rand and Tyler hurry over with our keys and we make a beeline to our rooms. We walk inside the room and there are four massage tables set around the living area and I turn to my guys.

"We set up massages for all of us to help us relax after this stressful day. After, we'll order room service for dinner and look at movies until we fall asleep," Sol drops a kiss on my nose.

"What about the girls?" I ask.

"The grandfathers have some help tonight. One of my employees called me asking to work. She really needed to get away from her family also. I sent her to your house to help the grandfather's babysit," Tyler tells me.

"We do trust her. She's babysat Meg for us before and she loves her," Sol says.

"Okay," I trust them because I know that they wouldn't let just anyone babysit Meg and our grandfathers are there to help.

"Hurry and get ready. The masseuses will be here in ten minutes," Tyler's looking at his watch.

They scoot me into one of the bedrooms, Solomon following behind me. We undress and put on our robes and then step back out into the main living area. I climb on one of the tables and pull off my robe, while covering myself with the towel. I look at my men who do the same.

"Are we going back home tonight?"

"We're going back tomorrow after check-out," Tyler's voice comes from the hole that his head is resting in on the table.

"Okay." They really planned all of this out. There's a knock on the door and then it opens letting the four masseuses inside. They introduce themselves to us and get started. At the first touch of his fingers on my back, I start to relax. I almost fall asleep as his fingers methodically work out all of the knots in my back. By the time the hour is up, I don't want to move from this spot.

I hear my men asking them how long that they've been at work. One is about to get off, because she's been here all day and the other two just arrived at work about thirty minutes ago. After making sure that they had or will have dinner with their families, they tip them. By the profuse thanks that they all gave, I'm assuming it was made worth their time to work today. I drag myself off of the table and slip into my robe, so they can pack up the tables and take it with them when they leave.

After the door closes, I snuggle into my robe while sitting on the couch, "Do we have to get dressed?"

"Nope. We're about to order dinner and we can walk around completely naked after that if we want." Grey sits down beside me lifting me into his lap and I snuggle into him.

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now