Pt 13. Over Time

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Naruto is not mine, nor is Gaara.

I watched as they all were given their scrolls and went to their respected gates.

I watched Gaara, Temari and Kankuro closely.

Kankuro looked up and saw me sitting in the tree. His eyes narrowed, and he glared at me.

I scowled.

“Baka,” I muttered, jumping away to Shikamaru and Ino.

“Oh, hey,” Ino smiled at me.

“I have to be going. Good luck with your exams,” I said quickly.

“Oh, is it because of that Sand shinobi with the face paint?” Choji asked.

“Partly,” I said.

“Well, we'll see you around, right?” Ino asked.

“As often as I can,” I smiled.

I shook hands with all three of them walking away.

I didn't realise I had to walk past Gaara's gate until it was too late.

I saw them, bit my lip, and broke into a run.

They turned to me, but I hoped I had passed quick enough for them not to realise it was me.

I walked through town, collecting supplies. I bought a map of all the village, and started towards the nearest village.

My adventure as the Wandering Flame was about to begin.

***A year later***


I walked into the Village Hidden in Grass.

A whole year had passed since I abandoned Gaara.

During the year I had learned things about myself, the world I was in, the villages, and what weapons were best for me.

I had a extra large katana attached to my back which popped off when I pushed a button on the hilt.

I had my kunai pouch, as one might expect.

I also had wrist guards which had knives hidden in them. They had a sharp point that stuck out on top of my hand, stretching almost as far as my longest finger.

Stuck In Naruto (Naruto Fan Fic/Gaara Love Story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now