Pt 3. Test

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Naruto is not mine, nor is Gaara.

Gaara sat down at my left. At the other side of the table, Riverleigh sighed, clearly hoping that Gaara would have sat next to her.

Dinner was served, and we all started to eat. Rather than eating lots quickly like I normally do, I ate slowly, picking at my food, being careful to avoid the meat.

“My father arranged for Temari and Kankuro, my older siblings, to test you tomorrow. I shall be observing on his behalf,” Gaara said to me quietly. I almost choked on my food. Those two were STRONG!!

“Okay,” I replied, avoiding his eyes.

We hardly spoke throughout the rest of the meal.

***Back at home***

“Temari and Kankuro will be testing you?!” Riverleigh exclaimed.

“Yeah,” I shrugged.

“But you don't have chakra or anything, do you?”

“No, I don't. But, if it's what that pitiful excuse of a Kazekage says, that's what I'll do,” I said before I threw myself onto my bed.

“I can't believe that we're actually here,” River muttered, sitting on her own bed.

“Same,” I smiled happily.

I drifted asleep not too long later.

***The next morning, around 6:00***

Everyone else was still sound asleep as I changed into a red, long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and black shoes. I braided my hair, making it easier to deal with.

I had learned my way around the town well enough to know how to get home, so I went for a wander.

The sun had risen just enough to light the village. I wandered, thinking about how paniced and worried everyone must have been at school and home.

“You're up early,” Temari's voice broke through my thoughts. I spun around quickly.

“I always wake up this early,” I shrugged.

“I would expect you to be fast asleep,” she started walking with me.

“My friends are. Everyone used to think that I'm weird for getting up this early. But then again, I was weird to everyone for no reason,” I said.

“Yeah. No offense, but you are a bit odd. I saw you being very picky at dinner last night. Do you have some particular allergies?” she asked.

“I'm vegetarian. I don't eat meat or egg,” I explained. (It's true. Things I say about myself and my friends are true.)

“Oh. Vegetarians are rare,” she said softly.

“My brother, Narayan, is vegetarian too.”

“Oh yes. The boy across from me who was picky about his food too.”

“Yup. That's him. I hate my brother.”

She laughed. “My brothers and I get on fine.”

“I guess you're lucky,” I joked.

“You know, you should really head home. Kankuro is probably there already,” she changed the topic.

“Okay. I'll see you at the testing thing,” I smiled.


I hurried home.

“Where have you been?” Kankuro asked when I arrived.

“For a wander,” I shrugged.

“It's time to go. Are you ready?”

“Yep. Let's go,” I nodded.

***At the training place (River tagged along, just to say)***

Temari and Gaara were already there when we arrived. I walked with Temari and Kankuro out to where they would test me.

“If you find yourself under too much pressure, just say so,” Temari said. I nodded.

Gaara and Riverleigh moved away, while Kankuro and Temari got ready.

“We'll go easy on you, promise,” Kankuro said.

I moved back, as did they, until we were a fair distance away from each other.

“Begin,” Gaara said from where he stood.

Things started to happen in a rush. Six kuni started flying towards me.

Instant took control of me, and I leapt to the side.

Instict continued telling me what to do.

I spun in a small circle, and thrust my arms towards them.

A firball shot out of the gap between my hands, and moved straight towards Temari and Kankuro.

They moved out of the way, just to have moved into the path of more fire.

I spun in a bigger circle, and then stopped, legs together, arms outstretched beside me.

Fire appeared, and started spinning around me. I felt my feet lift off the ground, and I rose into the air, fire surrounding me.

I crouched down, and thrust my fist towards the ground.

Quickly, I crashed down, onto the ground, my fist colliding strong with the ground at their feet. Fire burst out from under my fist, and a small crater formed around me, filled with fire.

Temari and Kankuro had leapt out of the way, but the fire reached up, and pulled them back down.

“Enough,” Gaara said.

I sighed, and crumbled to the ground. My fires instantly vanished.

My sight cleared, I glanced at the crater I had created.

Temari and Kankuro walked towards me. I struggled to my knees, and she placed a reassuring hand on my shoulders.

I stared at my hands, and the terrible truth sinked in.

I had created fire out of thin air, and minipulated it for my own use.

Ever since I was little, I had dreamed of having all of this. The hair, the eyes, the powers. But now, I had it.

Only a week ago, I had been a constantly angry 13 year old girl, with a strong punch and kick.

But now, I was older, and stronger. I could use fire however I wished to.

“F**k my life,” I muttered, slamming my fist into the ground again.

It was already bleeding, but I didn't care.

“Storm...,” Gaara started, walking towards me, Riverleigh not too far behind him.

“I don't care,” I said, leaping to my feet.

I ignored everyone as they called after me.

Silently, I walked out of the arena. As soon as I was out of sight, I started running towards the village exit.

Behind me, they protested, and hurried after me, but I didn't care.

I needed to escape.

I wanted this so much, but at the same, I wished it had never happened.

Stuck In Naruto (Naruto Fan Fic/Gaara Love Story) [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora