Chapter 7: The Ruling House

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On the way to the Hive seeder, Petra was giving a briefing about the House of Kings, but then our comms got staticky.

"Damn," she said in static. "Take out...
...our signal, that's probably what's-" She cut out.

The ship dropped me off and charged right inside the Hive Seeder.

"Comms jammed Petra, but not me," said Variks.

"Wait, you can still connect with me?" I said, looking up.

"I know all Wolf tricks, yes? Servitor jamming signal to Petra. Kill, it, dead."

"Don't you worry, I'll kill it Dead," I joke.

Inside the Hive place were Fallen trying to take control by force and Glimmer drills planted here. I found the Servitor that is jamming the signal. I sniped it and drew attention to the Fallen and Hive.

"Why do they always team up on me when I'm here?!" I exclaimed. "They'll be at war, and then when I show up, they stop giving a shit about each other and fight me!"

I pulled out the Last Word and popped the heads off Acolytes. A group of thralls charge at me. I shot at them and killed them. There was one left. I pulled the trigger but didn't fire. I had to reload. I back up as it runs at me to reload. The Thrall scratched my arm, dropping the hand cannon. The weapon slid to a corner. The Thrall started to munch on my arm like a cannibal zombie. I screamed in pain and pulled its head back. I pushed it down to the ground and stomped on its head.

"Bitch!" I growl.

"Crimson, calm down!" Nolan exclaimed. "You've taken way worse damage than that."

"I just can't!" I shouted.
Now that he said that. I thought about it and realized that I am being a bit short tempered. It's probably the medication I've been taking. It turns out that I do have ADHD. The pediatrician gave me a bottle of these blue pills that helps me focus and pretty much makes me more, serious. Which I guess you can call it a side effect.

The Servitor was passive and stared at me. Everyone else was dead, except him. I walked up close to it and stared. It's glowing purple eye and it's floating mass. I tapped on its center piece. It made an enclosed glass sound. I continue to stare at it with a confused face.

"Kinda cute," I say with a higher pitched voice.

I pick up my gun and blast the Servitor with Golden Gun.

"Let's keep moving," I said with a serious face.

"That was... that was just brutal. And a turn of emotion," commented Nolan.

I walked up to an opening that leads to the place before the place where we fought Sepiks.

"I was once House Scribe to Skolas," Variks said. "...I can't stomach his hate.... Next Servitor ahead."

I start to run towards the gunfire ahead of me. Hive and Fallen. I use invisibility to get passed them. When I found the second Servitor, I fire rapidly as my invisibility wore off. I fired as fast as I can and destroyed it.

"Guardian, I can hear you loud and clear," clearly said Petra. "Variks you still here?"

"Yes, yes," he replies.

"During the Battle of Twilight Gap, the Kings, Devils, and Winter united to invade the City. It could've been the turn of the Fallen, if my Queen didn't interfere."

I'm walking backwards of Sepiks path and resulted myself in the Rocketyard. There's Fallen guarding an entrance which what I'm assuming is their hideout. I charge in without killing them. Running inside the hideout was different. By different I mean, the Kings work in a different environment. Bases and enclosed spaces.

"You are here to stop Wolf meeting," said Variks. "They [The Kings] will not know, they will not care. Kill them back."

"We're also here for Athena, just a reminder," I added.

The halls were silent. No one is here. I searched the whole place except the one place they're having the meeting. I briskly walked the hall and turn to the corridor of the meeting. They're surrounded at a round table with a holographic screen of the Traveler. I hide at the corner of the hallway. I look through the hologram and see Athena, taken hostage. It's an Ultra Captain, no. The Ultra Captain. Probably the biggest Captain to exist. Maybe bigger than a Kell. I loaded my sniper. I aim down the scope. Targets the Wolf Baron that has Athena. I close my eyes, breathe in, breathe out, close my eyes... and Pull the trigger. The bullet pops the head off the Baron.

"Athena, run!" I yelled.

She runs towards the other side of the room, but the Ultra grabs her and throws her to a pillar. Athena falls to the ground, unresponsive.

"Damn you!" I snap.

I run at the Ultra and fired three gold shots at him. Then I switch to Bladedancer and lunged at him with my Arc Blade. He stomps the ground, but I Blink passed him and swung at his legs. He staggers but kicks me with his powerful foot and has me defenseless on the ground. Nolan converts my Light to defense. The Ultra grabs me and squeezes his hand tighter, crushing me. I grunt in pain and struggle to break free. Right as I thought it was going to be over, it wasn't. Kinetic energy bursts from the window behind me. It was a sense that I've sensed it before, recent too. I turn my head gently. I knew who it was. I knew it.

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