Chapter 4: A Kell Rising

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"Oh my gosh!" I Shout. "He's so CUTE!"
Athena pulled my head back, backing me up and covering the mouth of my helmet.
"Shut up!" She whispered. "He's gonna see us!"

When she finally lets me go I speak.

"But he's soooo cute!!!" I whisper in a cooing voice.
Skolas has horns, but one of them is half snapped off. He also has a long nice Cloak, along side with fur on the neck of it.

"You think he's cute when he see you and kills you?!" She said.

I didn't respond. Instead, I hug myself and had a cute moment of me just cooing at him.
"We can't kill him," I said.

"The Queen wants him dead and I'll complete my task at all times!" She commanded.

I stare at him. "But c'mon, he adorable!" I said.

"How is he adorable?!" She exclaimed frustrated.

"He just is..." I replied.

"And I'm assuming you don't have a boyfriend," she implies.

I would take offense of that, but I was too focused on Skolas.

"Probably," I answered.

"Look at me, Crimson," she says, directing my attention. "Do you want to save the Traveler? Do you want to defeat the Black Garden?"

"Yeah," I groaned...

"Then he has to be eliminated," she said.

"Fine," I replied.

"On my mark we shoot him," she says, aiming her sniper at him. I aim as well.

"Three, two, one. Mark."

I opened fire and missed my shots at him. Okay maybe I missed a few on purpose... okay fine, I missed all of them on purpose. I just couldn't do it.
Skolas turns around and does a chain of teleporting away from us, speaking in Eliksni. Instead I shoot the minions.

"Variks! Get on the comms! What did he say!?" Demanded Petra.

"Yes! Yes!" He exclaimed.

Whenever he says, "yes," just the way he says it sounds cool. He extends the word and sounds slightly different from the other words he says. I guess a small Russian accent? I dunno.

"In your tongue he said, 'The Wolves stand strong. Cower before the Kell of Kells!" He translated.

"Kell of Kells?" Petra pondered. "Did he give himself a promotion?"

"A Fallen legend," Variks corrects. "He sees himself as a Prophet, perhaps. Or he has gone quite mad."

"Don't let him get away!" Athena rushes an assault. I follow her and shoot more minions. More Shanks with different varieties. One had explosives, hovering right towards us. It's called an, "Exploder Shank." Another had a fusion sniper on it. Those were called, "Tracer Shanks."

Exploder Shanks came toward us. Athena and I dodged in opposite directions. Then we were pinned by Tracer Shanks, constantly shooting at us. We went around and flanked them and ran ahead. Athena was ahead of me, but as I run, I see a mine on the ground that she was heading right towards. The mine beeped and spit up into the air not too high. It clicked and clicked and clicked as Athena stared at it. Then it made a whoosh sound and made a mist web cloud. I couldn't see Athena in there.

"Athena!" I shouted. I can't see if she's okay. I ran in the cloud. The second I went in there I was partially blinded and slowed. Not only my movement was slowed, but the sounds I heard; gunfire, voices, or even the sound effects of the environment. It eventually disappeared and found Athena, unharmed.

"Stupid Web mines," she complained. "I'm okay by the way."

"Good, now let's catch up with Skolas," I said.

We shoot our way through and find out way at the Winter hideout. We found Skolas outside cave entrance that we were exiting and opened fire. Skolas seemed afraid and teleported to a Skiff behind him. The Skiff flew up and disappeared.

"And that Skiff has already broken into orbit," Petra sighs.

"Damnit!" Athena grunts.

"Well, best to clear out those Wolves in the hideout," Petra suggested.

"No problem," I said. I jumped down and Golden Gunned a Captain. The Captain dropped an explosive weapon, same one that Skolas had.

"Variks, what is that weapon?" Petra asked.

"Scorch cannon, rare and very powerful indeed," he said.

I picked it up. "And how do I use this?" I asked Variks.

"Simple, yes? Pull trigger, sticks targets, hold down for bigger explosions. Repeat," he said.

"Yes, Variks, quite simple," I replied.

I shot the cannon at another Captain and stuck it on his face. I laughed.

"Welp he's dead!" I said, holding the trigger. The longer I hold it, the bigger light glows on the Captains face. When I release it, it creates a a massive explosion sound and incinerates the Captain, guaranteed, he didn't survive that.

After clearing all the enemies. Athena finally cooled down.
"That's strange," Said Petra over the comms. "For a second there I picked up Vex energy."

"That's odd," I said. "I did too."

"Nevermind that, come back to the Reef you two. I think this hunt is just getting started."

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