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Ok now today was crazy and I want to make sure I tell you all the details so let's start from the beginning:

My alarm went off and I jumped out of bed. The first thing I did was grab my phone for notifications. "What the fuck?! Five missed calls from Lucas!"
I knocked on James door to see if he got any calls but he never answered.
"Lizzy! Stop waking me up all the time!" "Sorry Allison!" I slowly opened the door to find no one inside. I pulled out my phone to text James but I realized he had texted me first. "Didn't want to wake you but you need to come to Henry's house ASAP!!"

I put on my purple unicorn sweatshirt and a pair of Uggs on then snuck down the stairs. Suddenly my dad came from inside the bathroom,"Woah! Izzy I didn't see you there!" "You're off to work again?" "Yep I am." I couldn't control the steam coming out of my ears because of all the lies he told. "Look I want you to know that I know what you really do at that little beach house!" "I don't know what you're talking about!" "You don't!? Give me a break! So you're telling me you don't know anything about all those different girls that stay at your place!"

"You may know but your mother doesn't know! Think about how she would feel if you told her this!" "Fine but if you hurt my mom, I will make sure you suffer!" He rolled his eyes then stepped out the door. I watched as his car drove off then hopped on my bicycle. The wind was cool and crisp as it whipped through my hair. My partly chapped lips felt like as if they were leaves in the fall. As I arrived to Henry's house, I noticed police standing around everywhere.

"Excuse me sir?" A big man holding a gun turned around, "Who are you?" "My name's Lizzy and I'm a friend of Henrys. I'm here to see him." He thought about it for a second and decided to let me in. I ran through the door and everyone was gathered in the living room. Henry looked as if he'd been drinking alcohol so I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. "Henry, I want you to know I will always be here for you. But what happened exactly?" Henry didn't answer but he looked up at Zoey as if he was telling her to tell the story.

"Some guys broke into his house but Henry knew who the guys were. Some rival company. He went crazy and drunk all the alcohol in the house. But that's not the worst part!" She was stopped by Henry, "I'd like to say the rest Zoey. My parents have been kidnapped! An officer told me they were dead but I couldn't and I won't believe him! My parents are not dead!!" Everyone looked at Henry then suddenly Alex began talking, "Are you sure Henry?"

I could see the anger in his eyes. "How could you say that you bitch?! My parents are alive and I will prove it to you!!" James was furious and I thought he was about to punch Henry. "Fuck you Henry! How the hell do you think we're meant to believe this?! Don't you ever yell like that to Alex ever again or I will punch in the face!!" Suddenly I slapped him in the face.

"Oh my god! I didn't mean to Henry!" He began to cry, "Thank you Liz. That really helped. I'm also very sorry James. Please forgive me." He smiled at James. "You alright man. But I did mean it about Alex." "I know." They had an awkward hug then they fist bumped.

"Um sorry to break the moment but I think we need to get going or we'll be late for school!" We all jumped up and ran out the door. When we arrived at the school, almost everyone was already in class. "Well look who's late?" We slowly turned around to find Principal Dursley with her arms crossed.

"Why aren't you guys in class?" Henry stepped up, "Someone broke into my house and they came to see if I was alright." "I heard about that so I understand." She allowed us to go to class without any punishment. "That was a close one but we're alright now.", James said. We walked into the classroom and the teacher looked up at us. "Of course all of you are late. Come sit down."

Class was really boring and I don't think you want to hear about that so let's start at lunch!

We all walked in the cafeteria and the smell was awful. "What the hell is that smell?!", Zoey said pinching her nose. "I think we should eat outside instead of sitting in this toxic wasteland!" Charles looked amazed, "Maybe we might turn into walkers or maybe even turn into ninja turtles!" We all giggled. "We are more like X-Men. We all have something different for the group!" Charles nodded his head agreeing. "Oh my gosh! Today's tuna Thursday! The worst meal ever invented!" Holding our breath, we ran out the double doors. "Hallelujah! Fresh air!" Alex said. She looked worried, "Shit! I left my lunch inside!" James suddenly jumped off a bench and stood in front of Alex. "Don't worry. I grabbed it for you." "Um...thank you, James." I tugged Alex by the sleeve, "Hey Alex? I was just thinking, couldn't you at least give James a chance?¨ Alex looked up at me, ¨I don't know! If he wasn't so desperate I would've been gone out with him!¨ I caught everyone listening to our conversation. ¨What the fuck are you guys doing?! This was private and none of your business!¨

In gym, we all had to go outside and run, jog, or some type of exercise. Alex was playing tennis with Zoey and I was practicing my dance routine with Christine and Christa. Guys were running past us all and were whistling at Alex. Alex just rolled her eyes as she looked at James. He pulled his shirt off and his abs were shining from the sweat. All the girls were dying to get a piece of him but he only wanted Alex. She ran over to him and he waved. ¨Hey Alex!¨ ¨Hi James.¨ ¨Do you like what you see?¨ ¨Yeah I do!¨ ¨Does that mean we could have dinner some time?!¨ ¨Sure but please don't go over the top!¨ During the rest of our classes, James was telling everyone he scored a date with Alex. The next time I write, it will be my birthday! Got tests and i'm being forced to study. So until then...Bye diary!!

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