▪ II ▪

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"Thank you so much, Tom. We promise you that we will not be this careless again, next time." Said Muldber, bowing to Tom as he spoke his gratitude. Muldber and some of Tom's friends, although, the term friend would only be the facade of the title servant in Tom's mind, had left proof of their current abuse on two Ravenclaw students which Tom helped to cover up. They, who used the Cruciatus curse on the poor muggleborn students had left their books on the ground at the scene. The Ravenclaw students whom were in agony after being under the spell for several minutes, were not able to retrace their mind to the spell perpetrator but the books had somehow made their memory to slightly afloat to the wrongdoers. Fortunately Tom who was always excellent in charms and spells, managed to charm the proffesors' mind from remembering the reports made by the victims.

Muldber who was already terrified of Tom's reaction, turned pale and even paler as Tom replied with colourless tone, "I guess, it is what a friend supposed to do, to help one who is in trouble. Or maybe, in this case, help few friends." He stopped for awhile, his expressionless expression remained as he continued, "But, if you guys ever do the same stupid, careless mistake again." He pointed his wand to Muldber chest. "You guys might just be the next victims as well."

Tom shoo Muldbur and the rest of the boys. He took a walk to think of a strategy to reopen the chamber of secrets in future. He walked aimlessly when he crossed the courtyard and saw a distinctive bob-blonde haired girl sitting under a tree. She was not alone as he came nearer from behind and saw that she was laying down on a boy's lap. Tom had been not talking to Taylor, who had no longer jinx and hex people as she pleased. He, who was becoming angrier by the seconds as no idea pops into his mind, decided to release his anger on Taylor and the boy. He was always disgusted by any warm or romantic gestures anyway. His anger scale even elevated as he realised the boy whom was sitting with his back on the tree, was a Gryffindor as he saw the red and golden stripes scarf that Taylor playfully twisted.

He heard the two talking about something and he stopped walking when he heard the word 'charm'.



"Yes, Arthur?"

"Why do you put a protective charm on your book?" He asked, while flipping through the red book belonged to Taylor.

"Because it is so important to me. It contains all of my feelings and ideas and stories that I pour whenever I have them. It is like.. my soul." She answered meaningfully.

She continued after a moment, "I was protective over this book because, I don't think I can handle any mock of jealousy that people would give, if they ever laid their eyes on it." She hugged the red book with a dramatic gesture.

Tom grunted when he heard the second part of her statement. However, an idea came into his mind about the way to make the reopening of the chamber of secret possible in the future. Smirking, he ran into the castle, back into the boys' dormitories, completely ignored Taylor and her date.


"Ahh!" She screamed, shaking her both hands and moved away from Arthur.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just curious." Explained Arthur.

"Enough! I have specifically told you to not ask me about muggle worlds again!"

Arthur looked slightly puzzled was about to ask her why when she cut him. "I HAVE TOLD YOU WHY!" "UGH!" She picked her wand, put it inside her pocket, another hand holding her red book and declared, "Let's break up. I'm sorry. I don't think this will work any longer." As she left, few tears dropped from her eyes, she shook her head as she never thought she would break up again, since the last five times she had been dating with several boys in the lapse of three months, this time with the sixth person that she dated, Arthur Weasley.

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