I put my purse down on the counter and pull out my phone to text Nate. Only he can make me feel better at a time like this.

Me: I miss you!

I text him.

Nate: I miss you too, babe.

Me: What are you up to?

Nate: Besides missing you, I am making myself a quick bite to eat. What about you? Are you already at Gracie's get together?

Me: I am.

I admit and I want to tell him I am hiding in the bathroom like the coward I am but I don't want to worry him.

Nate: How is it? Are you having fun or are you wishing right about now that you were with me? It's not too late. I'll drive over there right this second and pick you up.

I smile at his text and wish more than anything that I could take him up on his offer, but no matter how crappy I feel right now I have to stick it out for Gracie.

Me: I appreciate the offer, but I can't and you know that.

Nate: Well if you change your mind, I'm only a text away.

Me: Thanks, Nate. You're honestly the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. You make me smile when all I want to do is cry.

I tell him honestly, feeling thankful for having someone as amazing as him in my life.

Nate: What?! Who made you want to cry? I'll come over there and kick their ass right now!

I can't help but laugh at his response. Maybe I shouldn't have been so honest and left out that last bit, but I'm kind of glad I told him because I want him to know that no one can make me smile like he can.

Me: You can't. It's a girl and if you beat her up, I'll lose all respect for you.

Nate: Let me guess, Miranda.

Me: Bingo!

I hit send and the she-devil herself enters the bathroom and prances right up to me. I put my phone away and face her head on.

"I see your hiding," Miranda sneers and I roll my eyes.

"What the hell do you want, Miranda?" I ask annoyed.

"Nothing. Actually, I do want one thing you have, but don't worry I'll be taking it back in due time."

"Leave Nate alone!" I warn her.

She snickers, knowing perfectly well that she's getting to me. "Nate is only with you out of pity. A guy like him could never like a girl like you. I mean, look at yourself. You look ridiculous! It amazes me that you would even think you look good in an outfit like this," she says gesturing to my clothes.

"Go to hell!"

"Is that your best retort? Even a child could do better than that. You should really learn to fight your battles before you go after a guy who is already taken."

"Nate has never been nor will he ever be yours," I say bluntly but my words do nothing to deter her.

"We'll see about that," Miranda responds with a smug grin and a laugh that makes my insides boil.

"I've had it with you. Stay away from Nate or there will be hell to pay!" I threaten.

"That's a joke, right? There's nothing you can do to stop me."

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