Chapter 35: Christmas!

Start from the beginning

"Y/n we didn't mean for it to come out like that-"

"Okay, fine! So tell me, what would have been different zen."

He stayed quiet.

"Tell me!!" You yelled making your voice break at the end.

There was a moment of silence.

"That's what I thought..." You slammed your car door and walked right up to Zen. "I was just a tool for all of you! Just so you could get your so-called 'freedom'?! Well, I guess you all got what you wanted in the end now didn't you?" You sniffled a bit before wiping your tears to get a good look at his face of pure regret.

"Please Y/n. D-Don't go.." He reached out as if to caress your cheek but you slapped away his hand.

"You guys just gave me a million reasons to leave and let you guys go, but I'll give you a chance to give me 1 good one to stay."

"Because I love you Y/n!" He blurted out. You stood there with your eyes wide.

So it was true...

You looked at him and he was 100% sure of what he just said but you shook your head slightly and responded.

"I'm sorry Zen, but that's still not a good enough reason. Goodbye." You turned around and started walking back to your car.

"Y/n please we can-" He grabbed your wrist.

"Let me go Zen!" You yelled without looking at him. His very soul shattered hearing you say that to him. And with a heavy heart, he let go and watched as you go in your car and drove off.

Sorrow and sadness were soon replaced with anger and hatred. He started running back up the stairs taking them two by two and once he reached the office they were in before, he slammed the door open and instantly looked at Seven.

"Are you happy now?! She's gone!!" He yelled at him.

The room fell silent.

Only after a few moments did he respond.

"So. She's really gone." He said in a monotone voice with his head low. Jumin looked pained while Yoosung held his head in his hands, trying to hold back the tears.

"Yeah, she is. And I hope you're happy now you bastard." Zen spat while having tears collecting at the corners of his eyes. "Don't you have anything to say for yourself?!" 

Seven didn't respond. 

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" He grabbed him by his jacket to make him look at him.

Zen grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and was shocked to see tears rolling down his eyes

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Zen grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and was shocked to see tears rolling down his eyes.

"Why?" He said to him. "Why are you crying?! This was your fault in the first place!" He threw him back into his chair. Then realization struck him.

"You loved her. Didn't you." Seven flinched and then looked at Zen dead in the eyes.

"Oh please. I know you fell for her too-you all did!!" He stood up and started pointing an accusing finger at everyone.

"You know sometimes I would think I couldn't understand you but this just takes the cake. Why? Why! I just don't understand why you would do something so idiotic to someone you fell in love with!-"

"Because I thought she would be better off without us alright!!!" Once again the room fell silent.

Yoosung got up and walked over to the things you left on the floor. Carefully, he picked up the one that said

To: Yoosung

From: Y/n!

Unwrapping it, he found a customized mouse pad with a yellow star. Along with it came cookbook that was written by you with all of the recipes he loved. And lastly a keychain with a yellow star.

"She cared for us." He muttered while hugging his present.

"What?" Zen said.

"She cared for us. And we pushed her away." Yoosung started picking up the rest of the gifts and gave them to each one. Zen was the first to open his.

It was a silver mirror that miraculously survived the fall and a nice backpack for his rehearsals or when he went out and a keychain with a white star.

Next was Jumin. He had a box with ties for each day of the week, there was also some nice cuff buttons and a blue keychain.

Lastly was Seven.

It was new customized red headphones with the number 707 on the sides. There was also a picture frame with the picture from that day you all went bowling and finally a red key chain.

And apart from it all, there was a small box. He opened it carefully and found a plain silver ring. He looked at it closer and notice there was something engraved on it.


The day you two met.

"Seven, just know that now you have to live with the pain of pushing Y/n away from  all of us." Zen said while taking his things and leaving the office.

"I'm just gonna go guys." Yoosung said with his head low and walked out as well. 

"Seven, get out of my office." Jumin said in a serious tone without looking at him. Without another word, he did as he was told and left.

Seven exited the building and walked over to his car and got in.

This was the right choice.

She hates us now so...

She won't come back, and she can live a normal life without us.

Without me.

Seven laid his head back on the headrest and started remembering all the good times you had together.

The jokes.

The calls.

Midnight Messages.


I did this for her. So she can be happy.

The tears started to fall down his cheeks.

But why can't I be happy?















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