• dating Carlisle Cullen would include... •

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if you were ill, he'd just drop everything to take care of you

• he would be so caring yet so annoying at the same time

• wouldn't even let you move an inch without lecturing you

• but would constantly make sure you were feeling better and bringing you your favorite candies and snacks

• movie relationship

• like, really couple goals

• him arriving home, all 'Honey, I'm home' cliche

• and you walking up to him and kiss him, 'Dinner's ready love'

• his adopted kids adoring and worshipping you

• always hanging out with Alice and Rosalie

• though you hung out with the boys too, but less often


• him spoiling you with everything you could possibly want

• he'd work late nights

• but you wouldn't complain knowing he would make it up to you later in more than one way...

• in short, being absolutely goals together and everyone loving you

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