• how you met •

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~ Edward Cullen

Beth's friends in San Francisco were getting incredibly suspicious of your little family when they started noticing that you looked very young for someone who should be 18 years old, so you moved to Washington to start over. You bought a house in Forks and settled down. You met Edward on your first day of school.

~ Emmett Cullen

You only actually met when Victoria started making a newborn army. Your brother wasn't happy with working with the Cullens, and it was you that convinced him to go meet up with the Cold Ones. You were very impressed by the big guy's fight with the blonde one. Emmett and Jasper you learned.

~ Jasper Hale

You met when Bella was sent to the hospital because of James. The Cullens were in the waiting room while your parents were inside Bella's room. Your emotions were flying everywhere, but, the moment you locked eyes with the broody looking blonde, you felt yourself calm down.

~ Carlisle Cullen

The first time you met Carlisle, you were very young. About four or five years old. You got a really bad cold that wasn't going away by any normal medication, so your father took you to Dr. Cullen since the La Push doctor had no clue about what you had. Carlisle declared that your blood wasn't the same as a human's. Half of it was familiar, resembling very much Billy's albeit weakly, and the other half was unknown. Billy almost transformed when Carlisle suggested giving you some of his blood, but was calmed down by Jasper. The truth was, his blood worked and two days later you were as good as new.

~ Jacob Black

You met Jacob almost immediately after you first moved to La Push. Quil was extremely happy for having you so near and went running around to tell all his friends that his beloved cousin had arrived. He threw a party just for you with all his friends there and that's where you met Jacob.

~ Seth Clearwater

You only met Seth when Garrett took you to Forks to help the Cullens fight against the Volturi. Your father didn't want to put you in harm's way, but ever since you were turned, you always were glued to him, so you refused to be left with close friends. You met Seth when all of the Cullen's allies assembled in the vampires' living room.

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