I opened my eyes to find Zoom in the corner of the infirmary, "No, no!" I yelled.

"Hey," someone repeated over and over as I was being shaken then I realized I had been asleep. Jesse shook me awake and I stared in the corner to make sure Zoom wasn't still there.

"It's me, okay?" Jesse asked and I nodded as the monitor beeped crazily again, "Breathe. You're okay, alright? You're shaking."

"I...I thought I saw him, Zoom, I thought I saw him right there," I pointed to the corner.

"It's just me, okay? Look at me, he's not here," she said calmly, "He's not here."

"I see him everywhere now," I sighed.

"Look, you literally just escaped a psychopath who kidnapped you, alright, so I think it's normal for you to have a severe reaction like this," Cisco said walking into the room and joining us.

"Yeah, Cisco's right," Jesse nodded.

"This is so much worse than that," I answered, "He took my confidence, sanity, he took everything from me. I don't know if I'll ever be the same."

"You will. I promise," Cisco squeezed my hand before an alarm went off.

Jesse stayed with me as he left to go inform Barry that there was something going on. We waited to hear back from them as they talked to Barry. "You know you're a lot more mature than I was at your age," I told Jesse.

"Really?" She laughed.

"Yeah at nineteen I was a bitch," I grinned, "I didn't listen to anything my parents ever said. Nearly flunked out of college."

"I graduated high school at fifteen and now have five majors," she answered.

"Jesus, I didn't even get one," I shook my head.

Barry came back from his fight with the meta-human beaten up a bit. Caitlin brought him into my room and sat him down at the counter looking at his ears as blood dripped out of them.

"Why do so many villains that we go against use sound as a weapon?" Caitlin asked.

"What?" Barry asked loudly.

"Nothing," Caitlin laughed.

"What happened?" I asked her she opened her mouth to explain but Barry stopped her. He walked over to my bedside.

"Sadie, a lot happened while you were away," he said calmly, "The meta that did this was Laurel."

"What are you saying? That Laurel went evil or something?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, it was Earth-2 Laurel. It's impossible for it to be our Laurel because she passed away," he said sitting beside me.

"What?" I asked as my heart ached, "Laurel's dead?"

"I'm sorry, Sadie," he apologized, "The meta that's out there though isn't her. But we need to catch her before someone from Star City realizes that their Black Canary isn't dead even though it isn't her. Here," he sighed putting a hand on my cheek before handing me his phone as they all left for me to be alone.

I dialed Oliver's number waiting for him to pick up.

"Barry, how's Sadie doing?" He answered.

"Ollie, it's me," I said softly.

"Sadie, I'm so glad you're okay," he sighed, "Everyone's been really worried here."

"Barry told me about Laurel," I answered, "What happened?"

"Damien Dahrk, he killed her with one of my arrows when he escaped Iron Heights," he sighed.

"I'm really sorry, Ollie," I apologized.

Everything Happens For A Reason (The Phaser Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now