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《♡ This story is not yet edited when it is completely Finished I will go back through and edit♡》

In the morning Charlie and Kara have school. I don't have to worry about getting them there cause the bus will come get them at 6:15. I wake them up and they get dressed Kara puts on her nice dress mother got her and Charlie puts on a Ford shirt with a pair of jeans that are to short for his long little legs. I do there hair and grab there backpacks and we head out of the house. We wait for the bus at the end of the drive way. It's crazy how cold it can actually get in Kansas I don't really understand it. It was 6:13 and the bus arrives.
"By Allie!" Charlie and Kara say hugging me and running to get on the bus.
"By guys love you!"
"Love you!" they yell out the bus window.
After the bus is completely out of my sight I look up out the clouds and look at the colors dark on half the world yet pink and purple with orange and yellow on the other side. Crazy how the clouds are fluffy and white and pure and have no worries.
I pull my jacket a little closer to me and walk back to the house. I pick up my blankets from last night and get ready for work. I put on my barns and novels T-shirt and a pair of ripped up skinny jeans that are past faded and I put on my old ripped light blue shoes. I put my hair in a fish braid and head out the door.
Work was about 15 - 20 mins away so I walked a  really quick pace and arrive just as the sun is completely risen. I walk in and check in putting in the time I arrived. I start putting out new books that were coming out today like the "Fever Code" By James Dasher and many other books but that's just one I can remember. As I'm putting the books away I fill a tug on my shirt.
"Hey miss can you help me please?" Says a little girl not much older then Kara about 5 or 6.
"Sure sweet heart what is it?"
"I can't find a book!"
"What is it?"
"Hungry Caterpillar."
"Okay come here and we will find it."
I sit down my stack of books I have in my arms and walk her to the children's books and hand her the book she is looking for.
"There you go hun."
"Thank you."
I walk to my area and finish putting books away. I herd a voice on the other side of the book rack and Decided to walk around and look to see who it was. Just my luck as I walk around my foot catches the side of the stand and I completely wipe out.
It only toke a second and  I found out who was on the other side.
"You okay Allison?"
"Yea I just ... I triped over that stupid corner."
"Don't worry if it helps I did it yesterday."
"Thanks." I said as the person helped me stand up.
"No problem."
"I'm sorry but how do you know me?"
"I work here I'm in the children's section I was behind you when you checked in so I read your name."
"Oh makes since."
"I'm Chad. By the way."
"Wow one of the first guy employee in the kid section?"
"Looks like it."
"Well thanks again for helping me."
I felt like such an edit I decided to go and start putting away magazines. Every time I looked up I keep looking over at the kid section it was wired I know but ugh.
I looked up and for some reason I think he caught on cause every time I looked up he would nudge he's head as in saying hi but without opening he's mouth.
During my break the kids get out of school so I have to walk home get them and head back up here which is fine cause thy can play with the things in the kid area and I get free food for working so I can feed them and me for no cost. I work till 9:00 tonight so towards the end of the shift Kara and Charlie usually have passed out asleep in the reading area.
I decided to let them sleep as I check out of work. I grabbed my jacket and started to walk towards my little sister and brother.
"Hey Allison!" I herd someone say behind me.
"Yea?" I said turning around to see Chad walking up to me.
"I see you walk home every day after work and I know it's a long walk. Your brother and sister are asleep so they have to be already way to tired would you like me to drive you guys home?"
"um yea.... Sure, I mean if you want to."
"Yea totally."
"Okay well let me go get Kara and Charlie."
"Here I'll help."
"Okay..... thanks."
I didn't feel like waking them up if they didn't have to walk so I carried Kara out to the car and Chad toke Charlie out to the car and buckled them up.
It was so so cold out the car had ice on the windows and you could see every little flake that made up the ice on the windows. When we got in Chad turned on the heater full blast and since we don't have heat it was amazing to be warm. My skin felt finally relaxed and the chills were gone for this short little time. I gave Chad the directions to the house and he finally arrived. When we arrived his car lights shined on the house.
"Alison is this your house?"
"Yes why?" I said unbuckling and opening the car door.
"I'm sorry there's just like nothing to it!"
"You live here?"
"Yes and if you could quit cutting me down it would be great." I said getting out and shutting the door.
"I didn't mean it like that." He said getting out on his side.
"What did you mean?"
"It's a cute house I promise!"
I grabbed Charlie and Kara out of the car and carry them into the house. I lay them down on the bed and turn on the battery operated heater so it will eventually get warm.
I walk back outside and say thank you to chad.
"Hey Allison?"
"Yea?" I said in a exhausted way.
"If you ever need anything please let me know."
"What do you mean?"
"Like um."
"Here's the deal I made it this far I can do the rest. Why do you care so much like for real?"
"Cause no one should live like this! Can I at least make you a deal? Like for example if you... I don't know take over the kid section tomorrow so I can go to the Dr's I will turn your electricity on!?"
"How do you know if it's on or off?"
"Cause I see no light on you didn't even turn one on when you walked in."
"Oh. "
" So what's the answer?"
"Yea okay I guess...!"
"Okay so we have a deal?"
"Yes We have a deal."
"Okay so see you tomorrow right?"
"Yes... right!"
Chad gets in his car and drives off. I walk back into the house and lay down with the kids.
Electricity would be great. To be able to cook something again to have heat and light and just to be able to see things at night and not to have things run off battery's like the TV and the little microwave that heats our water. I hope that this plan actually falls through.
So here's another chapter what do you guys think? Yes? Maybe lol?
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