The Cave of Mortem

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"I can't believe Willow will attend our high school," a woman with jet-black hair whispered into the darkness. Her black strands of hair enveloped her face as her grey eyes excitedly darted across the room. In her bed, she squirmed joyfully at the thought of her daughter's future school. She sat up and stared at a dark figure next to her. The mass steadily breathed as it slumbered. Not caring for their sleep, the woman said, "Scott, how are you not as excited? Our little girl is going to our high school. She's going to be taught exactly where we were taught. She's going to learn everything we did."

The shadow she was referring to groaned at his wife. "Emma," he voiced menacingly, "It's four in the morning. I'm excited, but I need sleep. If you don't stop, I won't hesitate to kick you out." The moonlight glimmered in his baby blue eyes covered by his brown locks. He displayed an exhaustion expected of a middle-aged man.

Emma chuckled at her partner. She whispered, "Your character changes so dramatically when you're tired." She settled on her pillow and stared out at the moon. The moon was full and the stars lit the sky. On nights like this, the problems she had felt nonexistent, and in the morning they would go away. On nights like this, she forgot about Dain, the empire, and the resistance, and she reminisces about the family and friends she has. Nights like this calmed her; nothing could go wrong during moon-filled nights.

Sleep barely had a hold of her as a figure dashed outside of her window. She shot up and studied the blank canvas revealing their backyard. The quiet breeze rustled the trees and bushes surrounding the window. The floral shadows softly wrapped around the room and danced along with the tune of the breeze. Their tempo was interrupted by a solid, black mass dashing towards the window. Without hesitation, Emma's hand shot under her bed and lead its way to a dent in the floor. She clutched a hidden, metallic crossbow. Scott groaned with the sudden movement and lightly said, "Seriously, I..." However, Emma's hand cut off his words. His eyes shot open sensing the change in his wife. Suddenly seeing Emma's weapon, Scott somewhat understood the situation and reached for a small dagger under his side of the bed. Emma motioned him towards the window, as she steadied her crossbow in its direction.

Scoot soundlessly shot across the room to the window and scanned outside. Noticing a black figure about four meters away, he slammed open the window. He raced towards the figure and effortlessly slammed it into the ground. With minimal effort, Scott held a knife against the figure's neck and ordered, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

Emma shot through the window and steadied her aim on the figure. Her eyes, darkened with focus, shined with amusement when she saw the figures face. She chuckled and said, "Michael, you should know by now that you can't sneak up on us."

Scott loosened his grip and stood. He offered his hand to his fellow resistance member. "Why are you here so late? Could it not have waited until morning?" Scott asked. Michael used Scott's hand to stand and together the three stood in the desolate yard surrounded by the calm night.

In a voice of urgency, Michael reported, "Brandon Calvert went missing about four hours ago. My team went to investigate, and we found traces of Dain's magic. We believe Brandon was captured, so we were ordered to tell the Special Corps to retrieve him. As you both know, the Special Corps consists of the strongest fighters in the Resistance. Excluding Brandon, all members must leave ASAP. The four of you will investigate all signs leading to Dain. Your objective is to bring Brandon Calvert back. This is a top secret mission that requires the utmost importance. The other members, Carmen and Jacob Ford, were already informed. Use whatever means necessary to complete the mission."

When Michael finished, his dark figure ceased all movement. Cracking sounds emitted throughout his body until he suddenly shattered like glass hitting the floor. The shards of his former body were in the forms of orbs. The orbs were marble-sized and tinted a light pink. Seconds after they shattered, Michael's orbs began to dissipate.

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