Dylas and Leon(Dylas's Phone)

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Evil Bishop: Hello Dylas

Dylas: What do you want

Evil Bishop: Nothing

Dylas: ok bye

Evil Bishop: Except to say check

Dylas: stop with the chess stuff

Dylas: I don't play chess


Dylas: What

Evil Bishop: That was one of the pawns ignore that. He got to my phone for a moment.

Dylas: wich pawn

Evil Bishop: Which*

Dylas: shut up

Dylas: which one

Evil Bishop: That's not important. I just wanted to give you a warning.

Dylas: its doug right

Evil Bishop: Even if it is there's nothing you can do about it.

Dylas: so its doug

Dylas: definitely doug

Evil Bishop: Damn it Dylas I'm trying to be cryptic.

Dylas: that sucks

Evil Bishop: He'll be fine. The place he's in is pretty roomy and I gave him some rice balls.

Evil Bishop: He's just too busy screaming to listen to me. Do you know anything about a hit list?

Dylas: nope

Evil Bishop: Really? I could've sworn I heard him say "Please don't hurt me, Leon! I know I'm on your hit list and Dylas's too but please I don't want to diiiiieee!!!"

Dylas: I might have mentioned it once

Evil Bishop: Hmm. I see. So then, what was your favorite food? Carrots because you're a horse, correct?

Dylas: Shut it fox face

Evil Bishop: As long as we're on the topic, you should probably get your tail combed. It's messy. Maybe if you took care of it it could look as nice and fluffy as mine.

Dylas: Who gives a damn

Evil Bishop: Oh I can think of one beautiful princess who enjoys running her fingers through my fur.

Evil Bishop: Ah, I almost forgot! She'd asked me if we could spend time together. I have to go, pawn. Remember what I said.

Dylas: You bastard!!! Is that true? Does she really like fluffy tails??


Dylas: Damn it, you. I'll get you back for this.


Needless to say, Dylas was very subconscious about his tail after that.

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