Kiel and Leon (Leon's Phone)

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The Pitifully Innocent One: Leon! Leon!

Leon: Yes?

The Pitifully Innocent One: Are you busy?

Leon: No. Why?

The Pitifully Innocent One: I was wondering if you wanted to eat some cake with me. I was going to share with Frey, but she's going on a date with Vishnal.

Leon: She's on a date?

The Pitifully Innocent One: Yep. And she's going to be for the rest of the day.

The Pitifully Innocent One: I never really realized how close Vishnal and Frey were...

Leon: Nor did I.

The Pitifully Innocent One: Anyway, do want the cake?

Leon: As tempting as that sounds, I have something to take care of.

The Pitifully Innocent One: But I thought you weren't busy!

Leon: Something came up.

The Pitifully Innocent One: Okay... I guess I'll just ask Forte then...

Leon: Ah, yes. She loves sweets doesn't she?

The Pitifully Innocent One: Yup! Even though she doesn't like to admit it.

The Pitifully Innocent One: Actually I wasn't supposed to tell you that....

Leon: Well, I won't say anything.

The Pitifully Innocent One: Promise?

Leon: Well, I'll say something about the sweets, but I won't mention you. Deal?

The Pitifully Innocent One: Deal! See you later Leon!

Leon: Goodbye.

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