Leon and Dylas (Dylas's phone)

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Dylas: What is wrong with you

The Fox: I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.

Dylas: so are you actually talking to me now

The Fox: Texting you mean.

The Fox: Talking would mean that I would have to allow you to open your mouth in my presence which is something I am not willing to do.

Dylas: wow

The Fox: What did you want?

Dylas: I wanted to know why you walked into the restaurant and punched me in the face.

Dylas: I've been trying to ask you but all you do is walk away.

The Fox: Life is like a game of chess. Frey is the queen. Except instead of trying to take out the king, we are all pawns, bishops, rooks, and knights trying to become king.

The Fox: I had always thought you were just a pawn.

Dylas: what

Dylas: why am I a pawn

Dylas: what are you then

The Fox: The bishop.

The Fox: The piece closest to the Queen.

Dylas: then what am I

The Fox: A rook, I suppose.

The Fox: Not as unimportant as a pawn, but still farthest from the Queen on the board.

Dylas: okay

Dylas: this is kind of a confusing metaphor but I think I get it

The Fox: Good.

The Fox: Goodbye.

Dylas: bye


Changed: The Fox's contact name to: The Evil Bishop


Hey guys! This story actually has something that kind of resembles a plot!

Also, I made Leon really possessive.... It feels a bit OOC but whatever.

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