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The light sprinkle of rain hitting the roof made me worry that Terra wouldn't be coming tonight. The sky had been dark for about an hour and the noise from the camp had died with the rain coming in. I could only assume they had all moved inside the cabin to continue their drinking. I suddenly felt very nervous about escaping. Could I trust Terra? Was this just a trap?

I wondered what Cole was doing right now, wherever he was. I wondered about a whole heap of things as I waited for Terra. I don't know how long it had been when I finally heard light foot steps heading my way. I strained my ears, feeling a sense of excitement and fear rising in my chest at the thought of getting away from this place.

The squeak of the bolt being slid open sounded like a trumpet announcing the beginning of my exodus. I prayed it wasn't really as loud as I thought it was. The door creaked open and as soon as I could see the raven hair of my savior I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"I'm sorry I took so long. I didn't think they would ever pass out." Terra whispered with annoyance very clear in her tone. She held her lantern up to shed more light in the small room. "Are you ready to get goin'?"

I nodded and quietly walked out of the hell hole I have been in for who knows how long. Terra led us around the back of what I now see is a stable, as I had expected it was, to a pair of horses that were already saddled. "I figured since it's 'bout to down pour we ought to take these."

"I believe you are right." I agreed and took the reigns to the bay horse.

"This is my Sage. She loves bein' up to no good." Terra giggled as she mounted her iron grey horse. I found it very hard not to like Terra, which irritated me tremendously. But the fact that it irritated me only irritated me further. I exhaled and followed Terra's lead into the tree line.

We were a good ways away before we picked up speed, just in case anyone would have heard us. The sprinkle had turned into a drenching about the time we came to an open field. Terra stopped ahead of me and even though I didn't want to do anything more than whisper, I had to yell over the roaring of the storm we were in. "Do you know where we need to go from here?"

"Yeah. I heard one of the bastard's say Cole and your son are in a cabin out this way. I hope we can find it in this storm."

"If we get close they'll see us. That lantern you've got is like a beacon."

We headed out into the field, keeping close together. Even though I had been wishing the rain would put out the lantern so no one could see us, I knew now we would have to have it. I prayed Cole would see us. I also prayed he wouldn't mistake us for bad company and shoot at us.

I didn't think we would ever find the cabin in this storm. The lantern wasn't helping much and our horses were anxious. The rain had slacked up a good bit and I prayed the worst of the storm was over. I was starting to feel a little saddle sore by the time the rain had become a sprinkle again.

"We shouldn't be too far now." Terra said over her shoulder. "I didn't think it was this far out."

I nodded in acknowledgement. I couldn't wait to see Cole. I've never been away from him for this long. Not since we've been married.

As we eased along the field my ears picked up the sound of another horse somewhere close. I became very nervous that someone had followed us. "Do you hear that?"

"Yes but I don't see anyone."

"Do you think it's Cole?" Terra whispered. Her grey eyes seemed to glow in the dark and I could see a hint of uneasiness growing within.

"I don't know. I pray it is."

"It's not anyone from the camp. They wouldn't have let us get this far."

A loud neighing broke out behind us and we both nearly jumped out of our skin. We turned to see a black horse trotting towards us and I instantly recognized him.


"What?" Terra asked as she looked over at me. I smiled. I was so happy to see this horse.

"This is Chief." I answered as I rubbed Chief's forehead. "This old man is Cole's pride and joy!"

Terra's look of confusion turned to a sweet smile and she raised her lantern to shine more light on the black beast next to us. "He's gorgeous."

"Cole's had 'em since we first met."

"Well, he sure looks like he's got some old wisdom in those eyes." Terra reached out to Chief and he eased to her. After sniffing her hand he moved closer and she began to scratch at his ears. "I've never felt horse hair this soft."

I watched Terra run her fingers through his silky ebony mane. She looked so innocent in that moment that I almost forgot who she was. There's no telling what kind of life she has had to grow up in. She's probably never been able to just admire the beauty of anything. I felt very sad for the poor girl.

"I wonder why he's loose?" Terra looked over to me and I smiled remembering the first time Chief broke the fence back home.

"Cole has never been able to fence 'em or tie 'em out. If he don't have a saddle on his back he wants to roam. He always got outta the pasture."

"Are you a smart horse?" Terra asked Chief as she continued to stroke his mane. He threw his head up and down as if he was saying yes. We were both laughing at him when one of his ears shot to the side. He was listening to something very intently. Terra and I exchanged glances. Chief took off across the field and we decided to follow since he was the only one who could get us to Cole.

"He's so fast!"

"Something must be wrong."

"Well, lets speed up!"

Terra urged her horse faster and I did the same. Something must be wrong for Chief to take off like he did. I haven't seen him run that fast in years. Anxiety crept in on me as we tried to keep up with black stallion. Thankfully the moon was starting to show through the clouds and we could see well enough to make out our surroundings.

A gunshot rang through the air and Terra and I immediately pulled our horses to an abrupt stop. Another shot pierced the quiet. I grabbed the lantern from Terra's shaking hand and quickly blew it out. "Terra, we need to be very quiet. I don't know what's goin' on." Terra nodded but kept her eyes ahead. I didn't know if we were the ones being shot at.

"Should we get closer?" She whispered, still looking ahead.

"Whoever is shootin' will hear the horses. Let's tie 'em out at that tree and we will go on foot."

We had both the horses tied out and were sneaking our way forward when we heard another shot. We both jumped. "I hate to admit this, but I'm a little frightened." Terra said quietly. Before I could respond we heard shouting ahead. Neither of us could make out the words but I knew who one of the voices belonged to. I knew it was Britt.

"C'mon, that's Britt. Something is wrong!"

"Miss Cassidy, take this. Just in case." Terra whispered as she pulled a pistol out of her garter belt. She handed it to me and then raised the other side of her dress to pull out a second pistol.

"Do you always keep two pistols under your skirt?"

"Sometimes." I could see the mischievousness in her eyes and it made me smile.

We continued ahead, both clutching at our guns. Both praying that we weren't walking into a battle.

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