The Pastel Goth Group

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(8:56 am, Suzy, Holly and Rubia were first to arrive at the office, when one of them opened the door, they all saw Dan and Arin sleeping on the couch together.)

"Awwwww.....", they all said quietly trying not to wake them up. "That's just true friendship...", Suzy said. "Should we wake them?", Holly asked. "Holly, this is purely adorable. So adorable, I should possibly put it on Instagram." Rubiphire replied snapping a quick pic of the sleepy grumps.  "I wonder how they'd react. Screaming, laughing in embarrassment, probably asking us to delete it.", Holly replied, "they know we won't though." "Ha! You're right, you have a point. Let's not post it until after the boys are awake.", Suzy said. "Agreed!", both Rubi and Holly said.

"I must say ladies, these Pastel goth outfits look awesome! Hot Topic is great!", Rubi said. "Good thing we got some the first day they were in stock. I hope we can go back and get more.", Suzy replied. "SAME!", Holly replied then was shushed immediately after being warned about Dan and Arin. "Sorry...", she apologized.

(9:03 am)

"Girls, do you remember about the news this morning?---", Rubiphire asked. "About the 43-year-old guy who got shot in the shoulder, yes!", Holly answered. "Well he's recovering greatly, he gave me a call earlier this morning. I told him about how he was on the news.", Suzy replied, "For some reason, I feel like I know him." "Where were you when this happened?", Holly asked. "I was at home with you two, duh!", Suzy answered. "Oh yeah, I remembered when Ross texted me telling me that your husband Arin and Danny were spending the night.", Holly responded. "And they did....", Rubiphire commented.

(9:06 am)

"You know what, the boys need to wake up, the poor guys didn't have breakfast yet, well since they've been here.", Rubia said. "Fine I'll go wake them up, you two can help by making them breakfast.", Suzy replied. "Yeah sure, I can cook a little.", the small Rubia responded, she then rushed with Holly towards the kitchen.

Suzy kneeled down by the couch where the boys were still sleeping. She started nudging on Arin first. "Arin.... Arin, wake up....", she whispered cooing. "Mmph. Suze?", Arin mumbled drowsily. "Yes.", Suzy replied, "Wake up." So Arin was first awaken, yawning and stretching, feeling half-sleepy.

"Good morning, kitty cat.", Suzy greeted. "How long have you been here?", Arin asked. "Only a little bit, you looked well rested for some reason.", Suzy answered. "Well.... I'm actually more tired than you think.", Arin responded. Suzy giggled and asked, "Why do you say that?" "W-well I had to keep Dan up a little, he was scared from that incident, y'know the one where---", Arin said. "Yes, mm-hmm, the 43-year-old got shot in the shoulder.", Suzy interrupted.

Arin sighed and looked back at Dan who was still asleep. "Poor guy, he was scared to death, Suzy. He thought he was gonna die if the shooter was still out there.", he said. "Well, at least you were there for him.", Suzy shrugged. "I know babe, to me....he's the greatest guy I've ever met.", Arin replied, "I've never met anyone like him, at all!" "Awww that's sweet. Well, Rubiphire and Holly are in the kitchen making breakfast for you guys, so you might as well wake Dan up, no matter how peaceful he looks.", Suzy replied. "Ok, I'll meet you there.", Arin said. Suzy had gotten up and walked to the kitchen.

Arin gently poked Dan's arm in order for him to wake up. "Danny..... Danny, wake up dude.", he whispered. "Mmmhph, oh hey Arin.", Dan drowsily mumbled. "C'mon, get up. The girls are making us some breakfast.", Arin replied tugging on Dan's numb arm. "Is everything alright?", Dan asked rising up from the couch. "Everything is A-Ok, Danny. We're all safe....", Arin answered, "now let's go and enjoy breakfast." "Hurry gents, I've got some hot coffee in the coffee pot.", Rubiphire called. "We're on our way, Rubes!", Arin called back. "Well, I guess I can eat a little breakfast.", Dan said rubbing his eyes. "Attaboy, dude!", Arin cheered, "C'mon now...."

(9:10 am)

So both men walked in, Bon Jovi's, "Living On A Prayer", was blasting from Spotify on Rubia's phone. The girls were cheerfully dancing and making breakfast to the tune. " 'Sup, sleepies!", Holly greeted to the boys, she offered a plate of glazed cinnamon rolls that Rubiphire baked. Both took one and yes they did eat. "You can thank me for those, I've learned how to bake since I lived with my parents.", the small girl said. "They're ridiculously delicious, Rubi.", Arin complimented. "Aww Arin, thanks.", Rubia replied. Then Suzy's phone rang, she saw that Ross was calling. "Hello?", she answered, "ok, I'll be there in a sec, Ross, just hold on." She hung up and rushed out the kitchen to answer the door.

"Morning guys!", she greeted. "Hey Suze, where's everyone else at?", Barry asked walking in with the others. "In the kitchen, we're just now having a breakfast get-together because it's Saturday. Join us there...", Suzy replied. "Oh, that sounds great...", Ross commented as he headed for the kitchen.

"What's up, companions!", Ross greeted with the others. " 'Sup, mossy Ross!", Rubi teased. "Ha-ha, very jokish of you, Rubiphire!", Ross replied. "Geez, you ladies look.... well, nice.", Dan spoke for once. "Thanks, Dan!", Holly replied. "To be honest, you all look like a pastel goth girl band...", Dan said back. "O'really. Well, we did go to the mall yesterday anyway, for a pastel sale at Hot Topic.", Rubiphire said. "Hot Topic, best shopping place ever!", Arin commented. "Well, you guys go ahead and finish breakfast. We'll be out, doing things..... I don't even know what things...", Rubi said walking out with Holly following, "Bye, gang!" The others waved back and the girls headed out.

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