Sexy Bartender~

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"The same routine" is Dazai's answer when Odasaku asks him how he is.
In the day , he's a simple student at University . At night , he's a bartender in the nearest bar to where he lives . No better definition to "a routine" . He even lost all hope that something special happens in his life .
"Two whiskeys" commands Odasaku for him and Ango . Both of them are employees in a company . In each end of day , they would come to this bar to take some shots . Yeah , they are suffering of the same routine as Dazai .
"Mori san told me we had a new case , a big one as it seems " Ango says while taking a sip of his whiskey . "Even more work ... " answers Odasaku with an annoyed tone . After serving to the other clients , Dazai joins them :" and more money , isn't that what you need for the kids you have adopted ?" .Odasaku gives him a desperate look" can't i even complain ..?!" , "if you wanna complain then prepare your ears to hear my complaints for all the rest of the night~" Dazai says with a machiavellian smile. "All but this!" Ango retorts. " What kind of complaints would you have when you still are this young ? You should enjoy your life more " Odasaku says while pointing out for an another glass of Whiskey . "Are you this old ??" Dazai and Ango say simultaniously .
The silence of the bar is interrupted by the sudden intrustion of a band of young people full of laughter and joy . Odasaku looks at them then turns towards Dazai "you should learn from them" . "No energy to waste~" answers Dazai nonchalantaly . Ango places his hand on Odasaku's shoulder " Give up , this guy just has the energy to make us suffer with his suicide speechs" . "Now that we're talking about it , i have read in a book that we could commit suicide by .." Dazai is interrupted by one of the young people that entered to make his order "give us 8 doses of the strongest alcohol that you have !!" He turns to his friends with a cheerful smile :" i'm the one paying but just for one condition we have to enjoy this night utmost" . "You're gonna ruin yourself , Tachihara" yells one of his friends with orange hair and blue eyes as the blue of the ocean and a smile that could turn all darkness to light , Dazai couldn't help but make a pause on this guy when he stars at the band that toke place in the table that was in the deepest corner of the bar . "Those brats are way too energitic" Ango says . " youth ... " Odasaku says after him . Dazai just sighs . The other two say at once :"Don't forget that you're young too!" . "That's not the reason for my sigh" Dazai protests but he stops when he notices that Tachihara is still there . The other two understand and they fall silent till Dazai finishes preparing the drinks "here are eight doses of Cocoroco" . Tachihara takes the drinks joyfully and goes to his friends's table . Ango follows the young man by the look "isn't it too much for them ? It has 96° of alcohol and i bet he doesn't know that " . Dazai singsongs "the boss always says that the costumer's instructions must be followed with no discussion~" .Ango sighs "you're enjoying that , aren't you ..." .Odasaku stops him "more importantly , who is it ??" He looks to the group so that Dazai understands what he means . "Guess" Dazai says .
"Help me , a girl or a guy?"
"A guy"
"Tall or small ?"
"With or without a hat ?"
"With or without glasses?"
"Oh ... "
"What's with that reaction ?"
"You have good taste in men"
"What is it supposed to mean?"
"Why are you jealous when you don't even know the guy ?"
"I'm pretty possessive~" Dazai says with a haughty tone. Ango suddenly says "i don't really get everything but ... is Dazai crushing on that guy with orange hair and a fancy hat ?"
"Exactly"Odasaku confirms . Dazai gives him a questioning look while still looking at the guy who picked his interest "is it that awkward?"
."No !" Ango says ... "I just realised that you're a human..." . Dazai acts as if he is offended "how could you say that after all these years of friendship and mutual trust ???!" . "Stop dramatising" Ango says.
In the group , they still didn't decide who would drink the dose first . Thinking he has an interesting idea . Ranpo goes towards Akutagawa who is an agent in the bar and asks :
"Do you have a public karakoé ?"
"Yes , we do"
"We're making some bets and i'm sure we would have to use it"
"No problem , as long as you don't bother other costumers . After all , this bar is well known for it's calm atmosphere."
"Don't worry" Ranpo says while tapping Akutagawa's shoulder who is way too serious for his taste . When Ranpo returns to their table , he has that smile that all his friends fear . Atsushi places his hands on his ears :"i don't know what you're thinking about but i know that i shouldn't hear it" . "Stop being so fearfull , Atsushi" Kajii says, "it can't be that bad , right ?!" . They don't answer his question , he has to discover by himself because that's the first time he goes out with them . "So what's that ingenious idea , Ranpo ?!" Higuchi says with a suspicious tone while looking at Akutagawa and Gin "Hey ! You didn't tell me that your brother worked here !" ."i didn't know too !" Gin retorts . Ranpo raises his glasses to have that genius atmosphere around him "we want to enjoy this night utmost right ? So why not play this game : we determine who drinks the dose first by rock-paper-scissors and the loser drinks it but if ... " everyone is so curious at this point :"but if ..??" . "But if ,by drinking it, the loser winces , he has to apply to an order the winners decide about .The end ... you can applaud now " . Poor Poe could just applaud . Chuuya doesn't agree :"this is ridiculous , i'm against " he says while crossing his arms on his chest . "Who asked for your opinion shortie ?" Ranpo says. "Who is a shortie ??!"Chuuya yells. "I'm for this game !!"Tachihara affirmes . "Traitor !!" Chuuya yells again . "How about we vote ??"Higuchi proposes . Everyone agree except Ranpo who still wants to believe that his requests are orders .
Ranpo starts :"For"
Chuuya :"Against"
Tachihara :"For !"
Atsushi :"i think i'll join Chuuya san ... against "
Poe :" i don't want to believe that Ranpo kun can be wrong so ... i'm for"
Higuchi :"i'm for just to not get bored"
Gin : "Against , i want to avoid any scandal with my brother here "
Kajii who is waiting for his beautiful Yosano (he always comes to this bar to meet her because he knows she's a regular , he was the one who suggested to come here) wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about so he says "For" without thinking . "YAY ! The decision is made" Tachihara yells .Ranpo gives Chuuya who has his face red in anger a triamphant smile . Atsushi already starts praying to not loose . In the other hand , Poe couldn't make his choice between being happy for his Ranpo kun or join Atsushi in his prayers . Gin tells Chuuya :"i get your desire to punch Ranpo but please restrain yourself i don't want any problems with my brother" . Chuuya just closes his eyes and tries to calm himself :" be fast ! I don't have all the night for this stupid game"
They all position themselves :"One ...Two ... Three !"

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