Chapter 12~~

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Four p.o.v

I woke up to tris's wolf still sleeping so I got up without waking her and made my way down stairs and zeke and Uriah where both past out on the couches, when I got into the kitchen I seen tori there.
" hey tori do you think my family could stay here for a little while" I ask sitting at  the table.
" yes four your more then welcome I already gave your mom and brother and sister there rooms and your room is across from tris and how is tris doing and what happened" she said making breakfast.
" uhm we will tell everyone when they wake up." She just nodded.

Tris p.o.v

I woke up and remembered that i could shift so I did but when I did pain throbbed threw my whole body and I let out a little whimper. I got up very slow and made my way over to the shower and when I was done I put on some black leggings and put on a underarm sweater.
When I got down stairs everyone we talking at the diner table and we they seen me I put my finger to my mouth the Signal 'be quite ' because I was going to scare four , his back is facing me so when I got to him and went really close to his ear and said "BOO" and he literally jump out of his seat and landed on the floor as soon as he seen it was me he jumped up and pulled me into a hug and spin me around.
" tris are you ok" he asked as he put me down.
" yes four but me and you need to talk but after I tell you guys what happened" he looked at me worried and almost sad.
Then hazel and Heath pulled me into a huge hug and hazel and tears running down her face.
" thank you so much tris you keeping us safe" Heath said pulling back from the hug.
" hey your my family too and I would never I mean never change that and hazel you where so brave" I said holing her face in my hands and wiping away the tears. Then Evelyn pulled me into a hug
" thank you tris so much for keeping my babies and keeping you safe."
" Evelyn I'm ok and your ok and I would do anything to keep you guys safe." I said and she pulled away and sat down and so did four.
" ok you guys are probably wondering what happened and zeke and Uriah you guys don't know what waseven was going on so here I go so four ask me to watch the twin because there father Marcus was coming for them so I did and when four and them left I mad breakfast and woke them up and then we watched a move and when I went to make the popcorn there was a wolf in the window so I put Heath and hazel in the basement and told them to call four so when they did I pretended that you guys where not there and there was a knock at the door but I never opened it because not even second after they knocked the door down and then a big gray wolf came walking in and it was Marcus and he came for me not the twins to I did not believe him and then he called two wolfs to fight me and they put up a fine fight but I put up an even better one and when they were dead I ran at Marcus and he ran at me and we fought and I was winning at some point, and I was on his back and had my claws in his back then he bit my side and threw me to the ground and started walking to me and saying' you put up a good fight and I will come for you later and that he needed his wound healed and fixed' so he made sure I could not follow him he put a knife though my stomach but good thing it was not a silver one. So then I walked down to the twins but more like fell down the stairs and Heath and hazel were the one that kept me strong so thank you guys" they all looked at me and there mouths were dropped open and four was the first one to speak.
" tris you just about killed Marcus and I found out that Marcus was the one that killed your pack"
" well I thought I seen that wolf from somewhere" .
Then zeke and Uriah pulled me in to a brotherly hug " tris I'm so glad you are ok and I guess you can handle your self now " zeke finished saying.
" well she is the luna of our pack even tho we have not marked each she is still the Luna" four said grabbing my hand.

After we were done hugging I pulled out a chair and started to eat and after everyone was done my brother where taking there girlfriends on a date so I grabbed fours hand and lead him out side and we sat on the step.
" four bea said that Alex your wolf was blaming you and him and is all I'm here to say is that you did not know and you will not blame you self look at me I'm fine and ,.we are fine four I did not want say this in front of everyone but when you touched me I felt you pain emotionally and physically and and you were in pain and is all I'm trying to say is thank you and I love you so much that word will never decide it." I said looking at him and he was just looking at the ground so I sat on his lap with both on my legs on either side of him and put my fingers under his chin and lifted it up so both out eye met .
" I love you four your the best thing that has ever I mean ever happened to me and it was not your fault ok" I whispered into his ear.
" i love you more and I know but I just feel bad that I was not there" he said with a hit of sadness in his eyes.
"I know four but we did not know that they wanted me but I'm still here in one piece" I kissed him on the cheek, and when I looked into his eye the sadness was gone.
" so tris I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me this afternoon" I felt the happy when he ask.
"Yes I would how about 4:00 so about two hours" I said
" yes that sounds perfect " and he kissed me on the lips and sparks flowed though my body and that one kiss turned out to be a make out session.

~I have not put the gang in this lately but I will soon and I have been debating if I should make another book with fourtris in it but I don't know but i will keep doing this book. -(thank you for reading)

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