Vampire Spells

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Say this at night 10 times:
"Blood red, pale skin, moonlight draw me in, quench my thirst, coursing veins, let my body feel no pain"

After you say it you will be dizzy, and when after you're dizzy you're really energetic

Side effects:
Fangs ( not sharp but long )
Run faster
Blood cravings ( A LOT )
Sun is hotter than normal
Better feelings
Head, stomaches aches and maybe teeth aches



write down the spell on a lined piece of paper and wait until 10:30pm-12:00am and then chant the following:
blood red, pale skin, moonlight draw me in, quench my thirst coursing veins, let my body feel no pain. say this 10x for the spell to work

side effects:

blood cravings
become nocturnal
enhanced senses
blood tastes sweeter


feed on human blood
run way faster
stronger than normal humans
"super" senses
apparent levitation


Sit inside in front of a mirror at 11:11. Look at yourself and then picture what you fangs will look like. (Note: Yes, like Twilight you will be slightly more attractive than most humans, but you will not sparkle). Say: Please hear my plea, I wish to be a vampire. I understand the risks in which it will bring.

Then you have to hold your right hand to your cheek, as to indicate that you understand this is the last time you will feel the warmth of your human blood. You will shortly after feel sick, like almost dying, but you will not die. You should feel a burn on your skin which won't go away until night. It takes a while to get used to.


Say this spell 3x
I wish to be a vampire. On this night, i wish to crave blood
to want to have blood i can no longer walk into sunlight if i am
in the sunlight i burn and i can see smoke rising from my skin cause i'm burning in the sunlight. Whenever I see blood, the veins in my eyes appear and my eyes turn red and long pointed fangs appear. I have pale skin. I can compel people. That i shall be able to run super fast. I shall be able to hear things far away. So mote it be


It has to be either Night or dark. Sit like you are about to meditate, and imagine you are becoming and never turning back. After that take 5 deep breaths. Then say:
Blood red, Pale skin,
moon light, draw me in.
Quench my thirst, coursing veins,
Let my body feel no pain!

After you are done with that, you will feel dizzy. Then after 5-10 min you will feel VERY energetic.

Side effects:
Toothaches *Mostly candies*
Different sleeping patterns


You need to be alone when you do the spell!
it should be between 10.30 pm and 12.00 pm
It need to be dark.
You can do it inside or outside.
You need to say it loud
Say it 3 times
*it will work in a view minutes*

side effects:
stomach ache
burden of teeth
Charge of the light
sunlight can hurt
teeth grow

You want to bite people
you want blood
you hate sunlight
you are awake at night
at daytime you are tired
And lots of more things.....


LIght the candle and then say this ten times,
" The spell is:THE GOD OF ALL VAMPIRES ,HEAR MY PLEA I WANT TO BECOME A VAMPIRE ,SUCKING BLOOD,BEATING RATING ,RUNNING FAST ,FLYING HIGH _________colored eyes ,white long sharp teeth,my vampire power will be____________as i walk among souls that have not been taken I shall have my life of being a vampire,,BY THE POWER OF 3x3 SO MOTE IT BE!" You will feel energetic, you could have a headache or your head could feel hot.
Your fangs will grow in depending on how often you cast spells and age. Then go to bed at 5:00 6:00 or 7:00. You should wake up around three by stomach pains nausea. If you walk by people you will want to bite them so try to contain yourself.
Anything you eat won't have a taste anymore. You will run fast have a thirst for blood and so on, the power you chose will be shown when you become a fully developed vampire. Again it could be a while for your fangs to grow in so BE PATIENT! Anything else message me


Goddess Nyx, hear my cry.
Make me a child of Night.
A vampire is what I wish to be.
Grant this wish Nyx, so mote it be.

Like I said, me and 4 others have tried it, and it worked every time.

You will know if it works if a few minutes later you feel moderate to severe nausea *not sure why yet* and about an hour to an hour and a half later your whole body tingles.

Then in the morning, the sun will feel hotter to you. That's how you know the spell worked.

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