Part Twent Six- Moderate Success

Start from the beginning

The school was unnaturally quiet, but nicely so, the nearly naked trees were rustling with the last of their leaves though it wasn’t particularly windy and snow had collected around the school like a vast sea of white.

“It’s beautiful isn't it?” I turned quickly wishing that people would stop doing this.

“Yeah,” I answered Professor Lupin quietly and turned back to the window, as if fearing that if I spoke too loudly I would ruin the peace.

“Madame Pomfrey told me that you went to see her the other day.” He said hoarsely, I twisted my body to look at him.

“Yeah I did, my scales had been giving me some trouble- turns out that I'm just moulting.” I said truthfully, I watched him and he seemed to be trying to peer at the nape of my neck, as if checking to see that the scales really were there.

“They aren’t that high up Professor.” I voiced and he looked almost guiltily away, directing his hazel gaze back out to the grounds.

“I was thinking that before the next full moon it may be a good idea for us to find some other way of sedating you.” He said and I sighed.

“To be honest Professor I haven’t even been thinking about the full moon yet.”  I replied in a hushed tone, knowing that he was making a very good point.

“Then think about it, we only have a few weeks until Christmas,” He whispered back cautiously, there wasn’t really anyone around but we couldn’t be too careful.

“I know.” I knew not only because of the full moon but because my birthday was the day after Christmas. “Would I be able to stop by your office later and get some more books?” I asked suddenly remembering what I had been intending to do today.

“Of course, although I think I may be running out of things for you to read,” he said smiling. “I suppose I should be testing you though to see if you’re actually reading them.” He added thoughtfully and turned to me, an elbow on the window sill.

“That’d be cool!” I perked up considerably- excited by the prospect of showing off- even though that was terribly immature of me.

“Alright, you can pick up some more books this afternoon and then I want you to meet me tomorrow in my classroom and we’ll see what you can recall.” He was smiling at my obvious enthusiasm and strode off. I heard his footsteps pause for a moment down the corridor that had been filled with midday light and I heard another set of voices before his footsteps resumed.

I turned when I realised there were three steps of footfalls coming towards me and hurriedly went over in my head what I’d been planning all morning to say. She rounded the corner with her two companions and I strode towards her confidently but not too aggressively- I was trying to apologise, not make things worse.

“I'm sorry,” I began and the three of them stopped abruptly. “I didn’t mean what I said and I know it was hurtful and rude and mean and… I'm so sorry Hermione.” I concluded, it sounded stupid and completely idiotic coming from my mouth but it had spurted out. She stood staring at me and I couldn’t be sure whether she was glaring at me or just watching me act the idiot.

When she finally broke the silence she did so quietly her eyes downcast.

“Harry, Ron would you mind just-” she nodded her head to the side and they got the idea, leaving us alone in the hallway. “I shouldn’t have been so pushy.” She said slightly louder and I shook my head.

“No it’s my fault if I hadn’t snuck out of the Great Hall then none of this would have happened.” I replied. My hands were shaking with a sudden cold gust that blew past me and she stepped forward and hugged me. “How about we just be friends again?” She asked with a smile and I nodded.

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