Chapter 19 {I Love You}

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  • Dedicated to Lucy van der Merwe

I look at Xander with a smile on my face. I can't believe that we are mere miles from Tucson. Its been a day of walking, and we stopped to sleep because we were so tired. Now I'm only seven miles from my family, from Ty, from safety. The snow shoes have been very helpful, making our speed pick up a lot. The snow at this point is only about one and a half feet, but it still makes our progress faster. We have a bit of food I had packed in my suitcase, which I've kept with me. Xander looks at me and smiles. I can see he's happy, and that makes me happy. I smile back at him. I speed up, running as quickly as I can trough the snow. I've become pretty strong from walking over a thousand miles, so I'm able to run faster than before.

"Hey, wait up!" I hear Xander yell after me. I turn and look back at him, grinning. "No way, you catch up!" I shout. He laughs and begins to run after me. I turn and look ahead. I want to see Adam, Gwen, and Joyce again. My family is waiting. They may have given up on me at this point, thinking I'm not coming back. It's been a month since they last saw me sucked out of the car, into freezing temperatures, with only my bag and the clothes on my back. I need to see them again. It's almost impossible to get through without family. I don't want to have to have lost family a second time. Minutes and minutes go by and there seems to be less and less trees. Closer and closer to the Tucson border.

I can't wait to see Ty. I've never actually met him before, but I've recorded with him and become good friends with him. I wonder what he'll be like in real life. Probably the same, but we'll be able to talk more easily. After walking for more than two weeks has given me time to think about things like that. One of the things that have crossed my mind is that Jason may have gone to Arizona from Texas when he heard Adam was going. Maybe I'll be able to see him, too. Being able to see them would be awesome. I've grown used to the fact I know Youtubers, and that I live with one. It's hard to remember now how I had fangirled about Adam only months ago, when I found out he also lived in Seattle. It seems so long ago, yet it was so recent. We're probably now only two miles away from Tucson, from Adam.

Suddenly I hear a loud yelp and growling. My head whips towards the source of the sound, and I'm shocked to see two dogs. One is much bigger than the other, the bigger much heavier. The small one is probably a puppy, very skinny with marks on its body that point towards abuse. They're both pit bulls. I run over to the dogs waving my hands. "Hey, bad dog, get away!" I shout at the big dog. It turns it's big head and snarls, baring its sharp, white teeth. "Jess, what are you doing!" Xander yells at me. The dog lunges at me, and I brace myself. It hits me with huge force, and I feel it's teeth sink into my arm. I wince, but don't make any noise. I punch it on the nose, and it lets go, but goes right for my leg, which is much more exposed. I gasp in pain, and kick at its chest. It doesn't let go and shakes its head, tearing at my leg.

I yell out and I hear the crunch of snow as Xander runs towards me. I fall to the ground as the dog drags me down, and I try and punch at it. Letting go of my leg, it grabs my wrist in its jaws, and twists it's head sharply. I feel my wrist crack and I scream in pain. It's the same arm I broke in December. I can feel the blood on the back of my leg and on my arm and wrist. Xander attempts to help me but the dog snaps at him and he falls backwards. The dog growls and swipes at my face with its claws, which are much sharper and longer than normal. The claws connect with my nose and move across to my ear, where it nicks on my cuffs. I shout in pain from the cuts and I put myself away from the dog. I shout at the top of my lungs. "HELP, PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream. The dog growls once more and runs away.

I turn to look at the puppy, my eye blurred with tears, and hot blood rolling down my face. It whimpers and stumbles slowly through the snow towards me. "There there." I croak. "It's okay." It pads over to me shivering. I wrap my arms around it and hug it close to my body, ignoring the sharp pain from my wrist. It's freezing, colder than me. I feel my head swimming slightly. Suddenly there's shouts from far away that I can hardly make out. "JESS!" I hear one of the voices shout. Xander walks quickly over to my side and crouches down. "It's okay, Adam's here, you're going to be fine." He says shakily. I can barely make out tears in his eyes. "Xander..." I say weakly. My vision is blurring quickly, darkening. "I... I l-love y-you." I stutter, before I feel myself slip away into darkness.


She is not dead! Don't worry!

There's probably a few more chapters left, but this book is coming to a close.

The dogs name will be revealed soon.

Bai ma gems! *fwoop*

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